Things To Consider Before Having A Child

Bringing a whole being to life should be one of the most beautiful experiences imaginable, if not the most beautiful. The fact that you’re reading this suggests that at some point, you probably want the same for yourself. However, childbearing and child-rearing is not a simple case of ‘wants’; it is a complex undertaking that requires thorough preparation if you want to excel at it. Here are some vital aspects to consider before you actualize your dream of having a child.

Financial Stability

It's no secret that having a child will significantly impact your finances. Therefore, before you even consider bringing a child into the equation, make sure you are financially stable enough to meet their every need when they arrive. Think about the costs of essentials like diapers, clothing, and food, as well as long-term expenses such as healthcare, education, and extracurricular activities. Creating a detailed budget might just be what you need to help you understand the financial commitment involved when it comes to children.  

 Emotional State

Having a child can be incredibly emotionally exhausting and taxing. Parenthood will truly test your emotional resilience, and if you can’t handle the pressure, you may find yourself overwhelmed. To avoid having a terrible experience and regretting your decisions, it’s crucial to assess your emotional state first. Consider adopting practices that build resilience, such as mindfulness and stress management techniques. It’s also beneficial to have a strong support system in place, for example, friends, family, or even parenting groups. This will provide you with the encouragement and understanding you need during tough times.

Pre-Pregnancy Health Status

Ensuring that you have a healthy child starts long before conception. If you want to minimise the risk of passing on any genetic diseases or health issues, you need to go for a pre-pregnancy check-up. Consult with your healthcare provider to discuss your health history and any necessary vaccinations or lifestyle changes that can improve your chances of a healthy pregnancy. This step is vital for both your health and the well-being of your future child thus you need to take it seriously.

Relationship Stability

The ideal environment for a child to grow up in is one where they are surrounded by two loving parents. Therefore, it’s essential to evaluate the stability of your relationship with your partner so that you check if you are both on the same page regarding parenting styles, values, and future goals. Discuss your expectations and any concerns you may have so that you iron out all concerns before having the child.

Career Goals

Having a child can inevitably interfere with the plans you may have for your career. It’s important to evaluate your professional goals and determine if they align with the responsibility of raising a child. Will you be able to return to work after maternity or paternity leave? Are there opportunities for flexible working arrangements? Think about the balance you want to strike between your career and family life. Some parents find it helpful to create a career plan that accommodates their new responsibilities prior to being forced into it by the presence of an unplanned child.

Parenting Resources At Your Disposal

You can’t raise a child alone that's why it truly takes a village. Therefore, you need to have the right resources at your disposal. This includes not only financial resources but also emotional and informational support. Look into parenting classes, local support groups, and community resources that can help you navigate the challenges of raising a child. Having a network of fellow parents can provide invaluable resources that will make you less lonely in your journey. 

Living Situation

Your living situation is a critical factor to consider if you are looking for a sustainable and nurturing experience for your child. Imagine being cramped in a single room with a newborn. Overwhelming isn't it?  Assess your current living conditions and plan on improving it before you add a child to your life.  The environment you create will greatly influence your child’s development and quality of life.


Parenting will require you to be more flexible and adaptable than you might be anticipating. A lot of inevitable situations can arise when it comes to kids. Raising a child will require you to think quickly and adapt. Embracing a mindset of flexibility will help you navigate the unexpected challenges that come with raising a child. Whether it’s a sudden illness or a change in sleep patterns, being adaptable will make the journey smoother when you are now a parent. If you adjust your mentality and prepare it to be more adaptable, you'll be ready for anything when you decide on now having a kid.

Long-Term Vision

Do you see yourself having a child and still fully achieving your long-term goals? Your vision for the future should support your decisions regarding parenthood, and if they are misaligned, one thing will have to be compromised. Take the time to reflect on where you see yourself in the next 10 years or so. Understanding your long-term goals can help you make informed decisions about when to have a child while still achieving all the things you set out to do. Therefore, instead of just having a child and then reflecting on your goals later, isn't it wiser to check on the vision first? We don't want you to be bitter while raising your child because you feel like they cut short your dreams.