Signs That Your Mental Health Is Declining

While our mental resilience and wellness sustains us without us even knowing, we can't overlook how dysfunctional our lives would be if our mental health started declining.  The worst part of it all is that you may not even be aware that your mental health is declining as it usually masks itself into other problems. This is why you need to stay aware of the signs that your mental health is declining. Here are some signs that will help you in seeing this. 

Social Isolation 

The most common sign that manifests when people are going through a deterioration in their mental health is social Isolation.  If you are someone who usually enjoys connecting with other people, networking and engaging in social activities then you suddenly feel the need to be alone, this may be a sign that your mental health is declining. If you find yourself withdrawing from your loved ones and choosing to keep to yourself, unlike you usually do, then you should evaluate your mental health as this may be your mind asking you to intervene before things become worse 

Disinterest In Life

Regardless of how hard life can be, everyone keeps toiling and giving it their all because they still want to live a better life despite the underlying circumstances.  If you, however, find yourself being indifferent to life, then that might be a problem. This is especially concerning if you were someone who was more into enjoying life and maximising opportunities then you suddenly become disinterested in life as a whole. You may even stop doing the basic things like bathing and brushing your teeth because you find no use in it. This is a sign that your mental well-being is at stake and that you need intervention as soon as possible. 

Substance Abuse 

Many times, people think that they are drinking their problems away whereas they are not aware that their problems would have triggered the problem, not vice versa. Usually, when one suffers from mental problems, they try not to face this reality and instead, try to find outlets that help them forget about the things that they are going through and alcohol and drugs are usually the perfect companion for that to them. 


Have you ever come across people who are annoyed by everyone and everything? Even when you don't bother them, they always seem annoyed at you for nothing. This Isn't a normal behavioural trait at all. Chances are that this person is going through something that may be taking a toll on their mental health. This also applies to you: if you find yourself being easily triggered into annoyance by small things, then you may want to check your mental health.  


People are bound to be worried about something once in a while in life. This is normal and all a part of life. If you, however,  find yourself in a constant state of fear and worry to the extent that your daily activities are affected, it may be a sign of a decline in your mental health. Anxiety is usually a sign of mental health issues such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression or extreme stress. If you ignore this, you may even find yourself taking drastic measures such as fearing so much that you won't want to leave your house or drive alone. You, therefore, need to seek medical assistance if your anxiety levels are elevated,d, as this may be a result of a deterioration in your mental health. 


If you find yourself constantly thinking that everything that happens around you and within your life is negative then you need to get your mental health checked. Negative thoughts are usually a sign of hopelessness,  which is closely associated with mental health issues. It's not normal to look down on yourself,  think that only bad things happen to you, or persistently feel hopeless and powerless. This darkness will only grow stronger and may start to affect your actions if you don't get it addressed sooner rather than later, as it is a direct result of mental-related issues.  

Deterioration In Performance 

If your child is very smart and usually gets all A's in exams and then suddenly starts performing poorly, it may be a sign that their mental health is declining. Instead of forcing extra lessons on them, you need to get to the bottom of things and take time to understand what is going on in their lives that may be affecting their mental health. The same goes for you. If you suddenly start performing poorly at work, on your projects or in school then you need to be watchful of your mental health. 

Changes in Appetite 

If you are someone who usually enjoys eating then you suddenly lose your appetite,  it may be an indicator of a decline in your mental health.  The same goes for you if you usually eat in the middle and then suddenly find yourself eating loads of food as a stress-coping mechanism.  Your appetite reflects on your mood and a huge change in it communicates that you are sick. If you are not suffering from any physical ailments and your appetite suddenly changes, you are probably suffering from mental health challenges. 


If you find yourself wanting to bring harm to your own body, you may have extreme mental health issues.  Usually, our minds are always tuned into self-preservation.  However,  if you start thinking of harming yourself or even develop suicidal thoughts, your mental health may be extra deteriorating and you'll need to intervene quickly.