Reasons Why You Should Consider Intermittent Fasting

Imagine getting to enjoy all your favourite food and snacks while managing your weight at the same time. Convenient right? If you are tired of all the diets that promise you change, yet you can't see any of it (try as you might), intermittent fasting might just be the hack you need in your fitness journey. If you need a little convincing to try it, we've got you covered. Here are 9 reasons why you should join in the trend of intermittent fasting

Weight Loss

If you are struggling with weight loss, intermittent fasting is the perfect activity that will transform things for you.  By reducing your eating time and narrowing it down to a specific window, you will inevitably reduce the amount of food you are taking. This will, in turn, help you have reduced calories getting into your system, leading to weight loss. If you want to lose weight from now on, try this lifestyle hack and you'll be sure to see some changes. 

Boosts Metabolism 

Fasting has been scientifically proven to increase the metabolism rate of a normal human being by about 3.6%. This is because when you fast you experience a change in your hormonal balance. This change triggers a reaction which helps in the burning of fat, making you lose weight way more easily. If you practise intermittent fasting for the long haul, your body will end up being able to naturally burn extra calories (thermogenesis), making your life easier for you.

Reduction of Insulin Levels

If you want to live a healthier life, it is essential to keep your insulin levels in check. This will help you avert getting chronic illnesses such as diabetes. By reducing your insulin sensitivity, fasting will help regulate your blood sugar levels. Your body will, therefore, become more efficient and free from insulin-resistant diseases like type 2 Diabetes. If your health is your priority, isn't intermittent fasting a must-try type of diet then? 

Improved Heart Health 

If you suffer from heart disease or are prone to getting it, intermittent fasting might just be the way to go. It helps reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol levels which is an adaptive advantage to your heart health. Despite this, intermittent fasting can also contribute to your cardiovascular health by reducing other risk components such as triglycerides. This will ensure that your heat health is enhanced. If your goal is to become healthier while also losing weight, this makes intermittent fasting the perfect activity for you. 

Reduced inflammation

If you are aware of how chronic inflammation can be, I'm sure that this is a very convincing point that will get you hooked on intermittent fasting easily. Too much inflammation in your body can be a cause of chronic diseases like cancer as well as heart failure. By engaging in this fasting, it has proven that you will more likely have a reduced inflation rate, helping you to live a longer and healthier life. 

It is Flexible

Lifestyle changes require flexibility as you can never know all the inevitable dilemmas that you can face. By allowing you to tailor your eating time and your fasting time depending on your schedule, intermittent fasting caters for those inevitable situations. This means that you can ensure that your fasting schedule does not overlap with social functions. It would, after all, be weird if you went to a bar with your friends and not be able to get a drink in. Whether you are a social butterfly, hermit or a neutral person, intermittent fasting is the perfect flexible plan that will help you tailor your eating habits, just the way it's supposed to be( talk about convenience).

It is Sustainable

You need to ensure that whatever plan you are implementing for your weight loss is sustainable. This is because if you give yourself impossible dietary plans, you may find yourself uninterested in them sooner rather than later. Intermittent fasting is a realistic and doable method for weight loss, and because of this, it is easier for you to see the process through. After all, it is not just a once-off activity but a sustainable lifestyle that will help you lose weight and maintain your perfect body after achieving your goal. 

Enhanced Digestion

In the same way, you require rest after doing a physically tallying task like jogging, running or swimming, your gut also requires rest. If you depend on something every second (whether it's day or night), when will your gut be able to rest? By giving you a slim eating window and a long fasting window, intermittent fasting will help you to reduce bloating and stomach discomforts that come as a reaction to your overworked digestive system. By taking care of your heart, you will have enhanced digestion, as your digestive system will be well-rested and ready to work for your benefit. You need to help your digestive system rest at intervals, and by using intermittent fasting, it will stick to your physical clock, allowing the process to be natural and easy to accomplish. 

It gives You a Sense Of Community 

If you go onto any internet platform right now and search for intermittent fasting, you will be surprised to find thousands of people, waiting to give you the support you need in your journey. There are so many groups on apps like Facebook where people talk about their intermittent fasting journeys and aid each other in making adjustments that are beneficial for the community. Being a part of this community will come with getting all the support that you need so that you can take your journey seriously and not give up on yourself.