Reasons Why You Should Always Stay Hydrated

An adult human body contains an average of 60% water. This means that in a way, we are distantly related to Aqua-man, Exciting right? On a serious note though, this just goes to show that we require a lot of water to function well, so we need to be hydrated all the time. Sipping on water only because you are thirsty won’t cut it; you need to make it a habit to drink water anytime you can, as this is fundamental to your health. To those of us programmed to do something only because of a list of reasons, we’ve got you. Let’s delve into reasons why you should always stay hydrated.

Natural Detoxification

Water acts as a detoxifying agent in our bodies as it helps support detox organs such as kidneys and the liver. Water helps dilute the waste products in our kidneys, allowing the kidneys to process them away, leaving the kidneys healthier. Staying hydrated will also prevent conditions such as kidney stones, which are a hindrance to the detox process. By cleansing our organs through the water we drink, our bodies are overall able to forego several toxins, reducing bloating and enhancing our well-being.

Better Weight Management

Sometimes, you are not hungry; you are just thirsty and need a cup of water to get back on track. Before eating, drink water first and stop overcompensating thirst with food. This will help manage your weight as all the food you were averagely consumed will reduce. Instead of drinking high-calorie beverages, by staying hydrated, you also help manage your weight and become healthier. If you are looking to lose weight and have a healthier body Mass Index, staying hydrated is your way to go.

Enhanced Physical Activity

For you to stay active and physically fit, you need to be hydrated. Being well hydrated increases your endurance as it reduces fatigue and improves stamina, which are all necessary for you to take part in physical activities such as sports or merely just walking and performing day-to-day tasks. By keeping the right electrolyte balance in our bodies, staying hydrated will help you become fit and able to do physical activity without ailments such as cramps and soreness after exercise. If you are someone who engages in a lot of physical activity, you need to up your hydration game as this can be the difference between good performance and bad performance in your activities.

Better Skin Health

That natural glow is not as expensive as you think it is. Sometimes, all you need is water and your skin will become better and healthier. Having dehydrated skin increases the entrapment of skin oils between your skin cells, causing acne breakouts. Water helps your skin by flushing out toxins that cause acne, leaving your skin clearer and giving it that finished glow. Staying hydrated will also increase your skin’s ability to heal itself so that it recovers faster.  If you want beautiful and youthful skin, you need to stay hydrated all the time.  

Better Brain Health

The next time someone says your brain is full of water, take it as a compliment because based on science, it is. A normal brain is composed of about 75% of water. This means that to maintain its functions, we need to stay hydrated. Drinking a lot of water allows you to stay concentrated while doing memory-reliant activities. In contrast, if you are dehydrated, you become less able to concentrate resulting in it affecting your cognitive functions. Given that the brain is extremely sensitive. Even the slightest decrease in the water level of your brain will greatly affect it. This means that you need to stay hydrated if you want to stay sharp.

Enhanced Mood

When you become easily irritable and experience a sudden shift in your mood on a hot day, this may be your cue to hydrate. If your body is well hydrated, it becomes more resilient to stress, irritability and mood swings, thus keeping you happier. Staying hydrated will also reduce fatigue, which will boost your overall mood as well. Even science states how the stress reduction hormone is increased when you are hydrated. So if you want to be happier, you need to stay hydrated.

Improved Hair Health

If you want to keep your crown happy and healthy, staying hydrated is the way to go. Staying hydrated will ensure that moisture is retained in your hair and scalp, making your hair healthier and better looking. By retaining moisture in your scalp, being hydrated will ensure that your natural hair oils thrive better preventing conditions such as dandruff that result from dryness.  Staying hydrated will also improve the overall texture of your hair, making it easier to style. Staying hydrated will also strengthen your hair, preventing hair loss and ensuring that you have the beautiful hair volume that you love.

Improved Digestion

No matter how many greens you consume, including raw grass, you will still experience constipation if you do not hydrate. Water is a necessity when it comes to aiding the digestion process and it helps lubricate stools, allowing for a smooth bowel release. Besides digestion, water also helps disintegrate and dissolve food so that it can pass through to the intestines through absorption smoothly. By eating and needing the food you eat to be digested, you just have to drink more water and stay hydrated.