Physical Cues That Show That You Are Stressed

Are you aware that the banging headache you have been experiencing throughout the week may not merely be dehydration but something else? That headache could be your body just telling you that you are stressed out. This is because our body is a system of interdependent functions meaning that our physical health and psychosocial health aspects are interlinked and reliant on each other. Stress is not merely a mental issue, as, more often than not, it will end up showing physiologically. Here are some physical signs of stress you need to watch out for. 

Stomach Pains and Irregularities 

Stress does not only affect you mentally but can translate to stomach pains and irregularities, affecting your day-to-day activities even more. Stress affects the gut as it affects the stomach acid that is produced in our bodies which affects digestion.  This can lead to extreme stomach pains and bloating. In other cases, it can even lead to conditions such as constipation which need treatment so that you don't damage your body any further. Stress management is therefore important as it can lead to more serious problems

Muscle Tightness

No matter how many times you go to get a luxurious massage without dealing with your stress, your muscles will not stop being tense and tight. When stressed, our necks, shoulders and backs experience muscle tension. This is because stress registers as though you are in danger and your brain sends signals to your muscles, making them tight and tense. If you are constantly stressed, it may even lead to back pain and bad posture. If you are unable to manage your stress, watch out for this symptom.


If you constantly experience headaches after a long day at work or school, this may just be your stress manifesting in the physical. This will make things even harder for you as it affects your ability to think clearly. These headaches are caused by the tension in your neck muscles and if this continues, you may even experience migraines. Take time to break and meditate to relieve yourself of stress during very busy and energy-draining days so that your day isn't disrupted even more when you get those unwarranted frequent headaches.

 Skin Ailments

Sometimes, the acne breakouts that you experience are just a sign that you are stressing too much and need to take time to calm down and take care of your mental health. Your body's hormones have an irregular balance when you are stressed. This, in turn, triggers skin issues such as eczema and acne. As though being stressed is not enough, you'll have to deal with a decrease in your self-esteem, which can leave you even more stressed, causing a repetition in the stress cycle. You need to regulate your stress, you never know, maybe your face won't ever get a single spot ever again. 


Being stressed can leave you mentally fatigued, causing your body to also follow the sequence and give out on its energy. Stressing for a long time, you are overworking your brain and making use of a lot of energy. That is why people who are going through a lot of stress may become lazy, uninterested and unmotivated in their day-to-day lives 

Panic Attacks 

Stress, anxiety and fear are a trio that is usually coexistent. This is to say that when you are stressed, your fear is increased and your anxiety levels become high. Stress will, therefore, leave you overwhelmed, leading to physical manifestations like panic attacks, which are characterized by symptoms that mimic a heart attack. This may, in turn, affect your behaviour and outlook on life, leading to behavioural disorders.  Managing your stress matters as it affects the rest of your bodily functions.

Irregularities in Sleeping Patterns 

If you are one of those people who suffer from insomnia, you need to take time and check on your mental health, specifically, your stress levels. Being stressed may cause you to overthink, which will, in turn, keep your brain working, making it impossible for you to get any sleep during the night. It may also keep you in a constant state of feeling overworked, thus making your brain constantly register that you are tired and you, therefore, need to rest. If you have irregular sleep patterns, you need to check your stress levels as this may be the cause of those irregularities

Appetite Issues

When you are going through overwhelming phases of life, it may be difficult for you to eat due to the stress you feel. Due to this stress, it may feel like basic activities are luxuries and you may end up neglecting your need for them. In contrast, stress may cause an increase in hormones like cortisol, leading to increased cravings and causing you to eat more often. This may leave you malnourished or obese, which are both unhealthy states.  You, therefore, need to find ways to manage your stress as it can cause an unhealthy cycle between your mind, body and food. 

Susceptibility to illness

Unless you have an underlying medical condition, continuously falling ill can be a sign of stress. This is because stress affects your hormonal balance which can cause several infections. Your immune system may also be weakened due to stress which makes you vulnerable to diseases like colds and fevers. Overall, stress can indeed cause damage to both your body and mind and it is important that you find ways to manage your stress before you cause more harm to your immune system.