Husky Keeps Digging Holes In Yard Until Mom Notices 'Strange' Smell And Calls Authorities

Acting Strange

Despite Amanda's enthusiasm for Rufus, she faced a few unexpected challenges after adopting the dog. Rufus's favorite pastime was digging, and not just for fun, but to uproot the whole yard. 

His behavior caused Amanda considerable frustration and inconvenience, and she sought solutions. It was a warning, but she didn't realize it.

She Needed Answers

Even though Rufus had mischievous tendencies, Amanda loved him deeply and was determined to help him change his ways.

Even after Amanda bought Rufus toys, took him for long walks, and hired a professional dog trainer to help him stop digging, he continued to make holes in her backyard. In an effort to resolve her frustration, Amanda decided to investigate the hole he had dug. 

Digging Deeper

When she approached the hole, she discovered that it was deeper than she had originally thought. Her eyes were astounded by what she saw as she leaned in closer.  In wondering what motivated Rufus to undertake such a massive excavation, Amanda realized he had been working on this project for quite a while. 

Amanda's gaze was fixed intently on the ground as she continued to dig into the soil. A startled look spread across her face, and her heart skipped a beat as she stumbled upon something unexpected.

A Strange Feeling

The thought of what she was seeing raced through her mind. She felt uneasy and disturbed after finding out the dark and chilling truth. There was a dreadful secret hiding in her once beloved home, which threatened to shatter her sense of security and peace.

Amanda noticed something unusual as she bent down to inspect the muddy ground. She now understood why Rufus had been digging furiously. There were suspiciously white fragments of bone littered around him in the dirt. 

Finding Answers

The more she dug, the more she discovered. As she pondered Rufus's actions, she realized that he had discovered a long-buried secret that had been hidden for decades.

Amanda's reaction was horrifying. There was no doubt in her mind that she needed help from the professionals. Upon arrival, the police assured her that they would handle the situation and investigate. Nevertheless, as they dug deeper, they told Amanda that something dangerous lurked beneath her house.

An Ambitious Woman

Amanda Lawson had big dreams for the future. Her determination to succeed had never wavered, even though she came from a humble background. 

It felt like a dream come true for her when she was accepted on a scholarship to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As one of the world's most prestigious universities, Amanda was thrilled to have earned this opportunity.

Doing What Was Needed

In spite of Amanda's plans, there was one major catch. It would be difficult for her to pursue her dreams without making sacrifices. Her community and family were very important to Amanda. 

A dedicated supporter of local causes and charities, she had always been there for her loved ones. Now, Amanda must leave her family behind and say goodbye to the community in which she grew up in order to pursue her studies at MIT.

Thinking Things Over

Amanda had a hard time making the decision. Despite knowing that she couldn't pass up this opportunity, she couldn't let it slip away. As a student at MIT, she might have access to opportunities she would have never imagined. 

The thought of leaving behind the people and community she loved was unbearable to Amanda. She knew there was no easy answer to this choice between two equally important parts of her life.

Securing Employment

Amanda finally found a part-time job near MIT after searching for a few months. A determined individual, she worked hard to achieve her goal of getting into the prestigious institution. 

Finding a permanent residence, however, remained a challenge. For her studies, she needed a more stable and comfortable living situation than the cramped apartment she had been living in with a few roommates.

Looking Around

While browsing through online listings, Amanda came across an apartment that was affordable conveniently located near the campus. Her first step was to contact the landlord and schedule a viewing. 

She found the apartment to be spacious and well-maintained, with all the amenities she needed. In anticipation of finally owning her own home, Amanda felt like she had caught a huge break.

The Perfect Place

As Amanda was scrolling through various apartment listings online, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. She had always dreamt of owning a house with its own garden, but she knew that her budget wouldn't allow it. 

However, as she continued browsing, she came across a beautiful, modest home that she simply couldn't believe was being sold for such a low price. The house came with its own small garden that seemed perfect for her needs. 

Moving In

Amanda felt a rush of excitement at the thought of finally owning her own home. She quickly calculated her finances and realized that with a loan, she could afford the house. But as excited as she was, Amanda had no idea what secrets lay hidden beneath the soil of the property.

Upon finalizing the loan agreement, she was ecstatic to have the opportunity to purchase her very own property. As soon as the transaction was complete, she was given the keys to her new abode and was overjoyed to move all of her belongings inside. 

A Bad Feeling

Although she didn't have an abundance of furniture to fill the space, the feeling of owning her own place at such a young age was an incredible accomplishment and a source of pride for her.

As her new semester began, she felt a sense of excitement and anticipation, as if the path to her future was slowly revealing itself. Despite this feeling of optimism, there was still a nagging sense of something missing in her life. 

Needed A Friend

It was an intangible feeling, difficult to articulate, but she knew it was there. Perhaps it was a sense of purpose or a feeling of connection that she craved. Whatever it was, she was determined to explore it further and try to find a way to fill the void. 

She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was ready to put in the work and make the changes necessary to find the sense of fulfillment she so desperately sought.


Amanda had been living on her own for six months now, away from her parents and the comfort of her childhood home. The loneliness had been slowly creeping up on her, and she missed the company of her loved ones dearly. 

She had tried to be social and make new friends, but it proved to be more difficult than she had anticipated. After some soul-searching, Amanda decided that she needed a companion who would be there for her no matter what. 

Going To A Shelter

A loyal and loving friend to share her days with. That's why she decided to visit the nearest dog shelter in search of a furry companion. As soon as Amanda stepped into the shelter, she was struck by the sheer number of animals in need of homes. 

Dogs, cats, rabbits, and birds of all shapes, sizes, and colors peered at her through the bars of their cages, hoping for a chance to find a loving owner. Amanda walked slowly down the rows of cages, taking note of each animal's hopeful eyes and wagging tails. 


But then, as she reached the end of the row, she saw a creature that stood out from all the rest. This animal's fur was a unique shade of gray; its eyes sparkled with intelligence and warmth, and it sat calmly and confidently in its cage as if it knew that it was destined to find a loving home.

Amanda stood in front of the cage, her eyes fixated on the plaque that bore the name of the dog inside - Rufus. 

Beautiful Blue Eyes

Her gaze then shifted to the beautiful blue eyes of the husky, which stood out even more against his snow-white fur. Rufus wagged his tail eagerly, his eyes seeming to plead with Amanda to take him home. 

She couldn't help but be drawn to him. She reached out a hand to pet him, marveling at his soft fur and friendly demeanor. At that moment, Amanda knew that she had found her new forever partner, someone who would be by her side through thick and thin.

Taking Him Home

After completing the necessary paperwork, Amanda was thrilled to take Rufus, her new husky, home the same day. She spared no expense in providing Rufus with everything he needed to settle in comfortably, including a cozy dog bed, a variety of toys to play with, and high-quality, expensive food to keep him healthy and happy. 

However, Amanda was completely unaware of what she had just invited into her house and what the future had in store for her and Rufus.

Growing Close

As the weeks went by, Amanda found herself growing increasingly fond of her new furry companion. The dog had quickly become a loyal and affectionate friend, always by her side and eager to play in the garden. 

Amanda was delighted to see how much the dog enjoyed having a bit of extra space to run around in, and she spent many happy hours with him there.

Something Was Wrong

However, despite the idyllic scene, Amanda couldn't shake the feeling that things wouldn't stay perfect forever. She knew that life was unpredictable and that there were bound to be challenges and obstacles ahead. 

Still, she hoped that she and her beloved dog would be able to face whatever the future held together with love, patience, and a little bit of luck. But she was about to find something alarming.

A Hole

One day, Amanda decided to take Rufus out for a walk, but that's when she saw something she hadn't noticed before. She noticed that her dog had started to dig up a part of the small garden. Amanda couldn't believe it; she hoped that it was just a phase, but it had only just begun.

A week later, Amanda noticed that the hole had gotten much deeper. Rufus seemed to become obsessed with digging up the garden. She knew that she needed to try and stop him, but that was when she made the mistake of investigating more closely.


As she drew closer to the hole, Amanda marveled at its depth, far greater than she had initially imagined. She leaned in, her curiosity piqued, and was struck by the sight that greeted her. Rufus had clearly been working tirelessly on this project for quite some time, and Amanda couldn't help but wonder what could have driven him to undertake such a massive excavation.

Undeterred, Amanda continued to dig, her focus intently fixed on the task at hand. The soil crumbled away under her fingertips, revealing layer upon layer of earth. And then, suddenly, something caught her eye. Her breath caught in her throat as she realized what she had uncovered - something both unexpected and extraordinary.


As Amanda knelt down to inspect the muddy ground, she noticed that her dog Rufus had been frantically digging in the same spot for quite some time. As she approached, she saw that the dirt around Rufus was littered with small, white fragments that looked suspiciously like bones.

The sight sent shivers down her spine as she realized the gravity of the situation. Her once tranquil and cherished property now held a dreadful secret that threatened to shatter her sense of security and peace. Amanda's mind raced as she tried to comprehend what she was seeing. The discovery was dark and chilling, leaving her feeling uneasy and disturbed.

A Concealed Secret

As Amanda continued to dig through the soil, she noticed a few scattered items. However, as she dug deeper, a smell hit her. It was unlike anything she had ever encountered before in her life. It was then that she realized that Rufus, her loyal dog, had not been merely playing around, but had accidentally stumbled upon something that should have been kept buried.

Amanda was taken aback by what she had found. She knew that this was beyond what she could handle alone and decided to call 911.

A Police Arrive

In a shaky voice, Amanda called 911 and explained exactly what she had found. The police were dispatched and quickly arrived. They told her to stand back while their forensic team looked at the bone fragments.

But it seemed that they noticed the smell, too. They dug deeper than Rufus ever had, and that was when the smell really got bad. They told Amanda that they needed to make a call.

Calling Municipal Workers

The municipality was called, and in no time, contractors were out to fix something that could have meant Amanda’s demise. She still didn’t understand what was going on and asked the head police officer on the scene.

He turned to her and said, “You’re very lucky that you called us when you did,” and explained everything to her. He started with all of the bones that were scattered underneath her garden.

Animal Bones

The bones all belonged to animals. It wasn’t uncommon to find bones like these when the area used to be rural. These animals died from natural causes long before the house was built. But the real evil was about to be unveiled.

The officer then explained what the municipal workers were doing on the scene. After they dug deep, there was a clear explanation for the smell. But Amanda could never have believed what was behind it.

A Gas Leak

While the municipal workers got stuck in their work, the police officer explained everything to Amanda. They had found a cracked pipe underneath the soil. But it wasn’t a water pipe. It was something much more dangerous.

Amanda realized that he was talking about a gas pipe that fed into her home. She had heard horror stories about what would happen if gas leaks weren’t detected. There could have been dire consequences.

Hero Dog

After everything was fixed, Amanda was interviewed by a local news station. She explained that the person who found it was Rufus. Her town loved the idea of a hero dog, and people came from all around the world to see him.

Amanda even decided to start up a social media profile just for Rufus, where she kept people updated on how he was doing. He really showed her that he was her special companion, and nothing would ever change that.