How to Heal Your Traumatised Inner Child

Life has a way of always taking us back to the basics that were embedded in our lives. Do you remember that little version of you who wanted to jump in puddles and eat ice cream for breakfast? The tiny version of you that wanted to be loved, cared for, and prioritized yet life treated you differently? Well, that version of you still affects what you do and how you act. You need to heal that wounded inner child if you want a chance at living a relatively better life and this is why today, we are going to aid you on how to heal the version of you. Here are tips on how you can heal your inner child.

Create A Safe Space

Due to the things that you may have experienced as a child, you probably felt unsafe and despite it not being normal, it may have been the norm for you. You, therefore, need to address these feelings, and the first way you can do that is by creating a safe space. Set up a cozy area where you can stick all the things you want on your walls and have delightful books and other accessories like a bean bag chair, fairy lights, and your favorite childhood toys. You can even go on to add a music player with soothing tunes that you enjoy the most. Anytime you feel overwhelmed, just take time in your little heaven and remind yourself of how you created this space, and as such, you are in charge of recreating your own story from now onwards.

Write A Letter To Your Younger Self

There is just something powerful about writing letters to yourself which promotes healing and peace. This is especially healing if you have no one to talk to about all the experiences you went through or someone to intervene on your behalf. You can, therefore, be the person you need by drafting your reply to your younger self by writing a letter and letting them know you see them, hear them, and that it’s okay to feel all the feelings. This dialogue opens room for you to acknowledge how what you went through actually hurt you. It also then addresses what you felt, making you feel less anxious about your childhood and more in control.

Enjoy Letting Your Playful Nature Take Control Sometimes

Children are supposed to act like kids when they are young so that they can fully enjoy this phase of their lives. This also helps them follow through the growth patterns and at some point, outgrow their childlike behaviours, wants and needs. However, because you went through traumatic things, you failed to fully get the opportunity to enjoy your childhood by just being a child. This means that deep down, you just want to dedicate a day to doing all the things you wanted to do as a child. So why not do it? Spoil yourself with certain days that are dedicated to doing all the things you wanted to do as a child but couldn't. Throw away your adult boots and just be your inner child. Indulge yourself because you deserve it.

Join A Support Group

Although it feels like you are the only person who went through childhood trauma growing up, you aren't. Many other wounded souls went through what you did. By creating a support group for these individuals, you will be given a chance to connect with people who can truly understand and resonate with what you went through. This will help foster healing and by letting your inner child connect with other like-experienced inner children, you will create room for healing. Research support groups that may be near you and join one today so that you can promote your healing.

Be Patient With Yourself

You need to understand that healing is not a once-off thing. It takes a lot of time to truly get over something, let alone something that dominated your childhood and altered it. Regardless of you being on a healing journey, you may sometimes find yourself overreacting and acting in ways that reflect your trauma. This can be disheartening and difficult for you but bear in mind that you deserve all the race you can get, especially from yourself. Be patient with yourself and embrace all your imperfections with the knowledge that you are on a continuous journey, and even though it may be hard now, you'll eventually heal and become a better version of yourself.

Tap Into Your Creativity

When the going gets tough and you are feeling a little overwhelmed, tapping into your creativity will always help you to feel better. Art is therapy so don't restrict yourself from tapping into your artsy side. Get a paintbrush, some paint and crayons and just enjoy the raw experience of being your creative self without feeling restricted or controlled. This will help you in your healing journey. If you are more into singing or dancing, then do just that. Tapping into your inner creativity will allow you to physically express your innermost feelings that you may be unable to talk about. Tap into your creativity and allow your inner child to embark on a healing journey.

Practice Gratitude

I'm sorry you were hurt and had to experience the harsh aspects of life at a younger age. Don't, however, forget to look at the positive things in your life too. Even after life dealt badly with you, you still turned out into the fine person you are today. You're not where you started in life and that is reason enough to be grateful. This will help you become a positive person and this warmth will spread into your traumatized inner child, allowing healing. Be grateful for all things you have, big and small.