How To Beat The Heat This Summer

Summertime activities can be made more enjoyable by the heat, but your body shouldn't be overheated for too long since it might harm your brain and other organs. The body naturally cools itself via sweating, but when that is insufficient, there is a higher chance of getting hyperthermia, which has symptoms including heat cramps, heat edema, and heat stroke.

While there are several hacks available online, we've discovered the quickest way to create a DIY air conditioner. The best part is that you won't need to spend a bunch on pricey or intricate devices.

Hang a wet towel by the window

Hang a moist light-colored towel over the window. The evaporating water will cool the air. To ensure that the cold air is circulated effectively, use a ceiling fan.

You might very well rewet the towel once it has dried to keep the room's cold air flowing.

Apply Heat Reducing Film

Applying a reflective, heat-reducing window film is a quick and simple solution to keep your home cool because around 30% of ambient heat enters your home through the windows.

It also functions in reverse, keeping more warm air inside during the winter, and installation is quick and simple.

Practice "Texas Cool"

"Texas cool" is a morning and evening practice that makes the most of the cool evening air and minimizes exposure to the heat throughout the day. 

It's quite easy to do: As the temperature lowers at night, open windows and use window fans or a whole-house fan to bring in cold air. Close the doors, blinds, and windows as soon as the sun rises or the air begins to warm up.

Cook Smartly

Your cooling load increases when you use any equipment that produces heat. Your home might become very warm from an oven. Keep the heat concentrated in a single location, like a slow cooker. 

To keep the heat outside, you might also grill your food outside. This is a house cooling suggestion that most homeowners can support. Instead of using the oven, which may greatly increase the temperature of your home, when the weather is hot, grill your meals outside.

Install Ceiling Fans

Installing ceiling fans will help you cool down while avoiding the cost of lowering the thermostat setting any further. Run your ceiling fan in the opposite direction throughout the summer to push cooler air upward. 

In the summer, you can also make use of exhaust fans in your bathrooms to gently push the heated air rising from within your house outside. You feel colder because of the wind-chill effect that is caused by the airflow.

Consider a dehumidifier

Compared to dry heat, moist heat is far more distressing for both people and animals. Dehumidifiers remove moisture from your home's humid summer air, making it considerably more pleasant even when the temperature is higher. 

Maintain an indoor humidity level of no more than 60%. Use a device that shuts off when the humidity falls below your desired level to save money on power.


A fan and a bowl of ice may be used to produce a fake wind. Put an ice pack or some ice in a mixing bowl, then place the bowl in front of a fan. The air will simulate a cool, misty wind when the fan is turned on. 

A colder breeze will come your way when the ice melts. Of course, you have to be somewhat close by to make use of the advantages. Try this technique while working at your desk or while cooking in your kitchen by setting the fan-bowl combination near the stove on the counter.

Eat Spicy Food and Eat Light

You wouldn't believe it, but eating spicy food might actually make you feel cooler. Chili peppers contain capsaicin, a chemical component that increases perspiration. Salads are quite popular in warmer areas for a reason. 

They won't make you lethargic in the summer heat and are much easier to stomach. These nutritious treats are so watery that they will quickly keep you hydrated and cool you down.

Sleep like an Egyptian

In many ways, including sleep habits, the ancient Egyptians were ahead of their time. Before going to bed, they would soak their blankets in ice water to chill off. This technique can be improved by using a fan while you sleep. 

You will become cooler as the water from the wet towel or sheet on top of you evaporates. To avoid wetting the bed, you can also place a dry towel under you.

Get rid of incandescent lights

When trying to cool down a room without an air conditioner, small changes like switching to compact fluorescent lamps can have a big impact while also reducing your energy bill.

Incandescent bulbs waste an estimated 90% of their energy in the heat they emit.

Try essential oils

Look for oils that include menthol, which has cooling effects. Minty oils, such as those from peppermint or spearmint, will work. 

Use them at home with a diffuser or include them in your travel body mist. Even though the chilling effect is short-lived, the revitalizing smell will last.

Cross Ventilation is the Key

The main goal of cross ventilation is to control airflow. Although you may not be able to change where your home's doors and windows are located, you can use clever fan placement to your advantage. 

To remove heated inside air, place a big box fan with the blower facing the window and another fan facing the window on the other side of the room with the blower facing outward.