Hacks On How To Get Rid Of Bad Odour Naturally

Let's face it: smelling good is a flex, and it makes you look sophisticated and well put together.  However, sometimes,  this may be very difficult to achieve as you may have a bad odour regardless of how much you try bathing and regardless of how many fragrances you use to mask this smell. This isn't something to be embarrassed about as it can be avoided and cured.  Here is a list of hacks that will be able to help you in getting rid of the bad odour in no time. 

 Increase Water Intake

One of the simplest yet most effective hacks for getting rid of bad odour is through increasing your water intake. Staying hydrated is crucial not just for your overall health but also for keeping body odour in check. When you're hydrated, your body can flush out toxins more efficiently, which can help minimise odours. You, therefore, need to ensure that you aim for at least two litres of water daily so that you keep your body odour pleasant. 

Use Baking Soda

This versatile kitchen staple does more than just help with baking. It is a powerhouse when it comes to absorbing odour from your body. By adding a little baking soda to your underarms, you can keep bad body odour at bay. You can even mix the soda with water to create a paste that can be applied to your main problem areas and release the bad odour. This will help neutralise odours rather than just masking them, making you more comfortable and less self-conscious. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

The acidity in apple cider vinegar helps lower the pH of the skin, creating an environment where odour-causing bacteria can’t thrive. All you need to do is dilute some apple cider vinegar with water and apply it to the areas where the odour tends to linger. You just have to make sure that you don't add too much vinegar. Otherwise, you'll start smelling like a salad. If you have sensitive skin, you may want to ease into the process gradually so that you can withdraw once you notice Any undesirable changes on your skin. 

Make Use Of Essential Oils

These oils are full of antibacterial properties that are essential in helping to combat bad odour. Oils like tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil do not only smell great. They also help keep odour-causing bacteria away, making you smell better. All you need to do is add a few drops of oil to your bath and you'll be good to go. You will step out of the shower, smelling renewed and pleasant, making it a nice end to your bad body odour struggle.

Wear Breathable Clothes

When it comes to staying fresh, your clothing choices matter a lot. Opting for breathable fabrics like cotton or linen will allow air to circulate on your body throughout the day.  This will, in turn, help you as sweat is aired off instead of being trapped on your body all day. Tight clothing can lead to more sweating and, as a result, cause more odour. By trading your airtight clothes for more loose-fitting ones on hot summer days, you'll be able to get rid of bad body odour.  

Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice is another very useful hack for dealing with bad body odour. The acidity in lemon juice not only helps neutralise odours but also has antibacterial properties that fight off the bacteria responsible for the unwanted smells you are trying to fight off. By directly adding a few drops of lemon juice to the odour-prone areas, you'll not only smell fresh, but you’ll also feel revitalised. Just make sure that you do this on a day you plan on staying indoors. This is because if your skin comes in contact with the sun after applying lemon juice, it may become very irritated. Lemon juice can be a game-changer in your odour-fighting routine!

Use Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is very useful in so many aspects of our lives. From being used as hair food, skin moisturiser and cooking oil, it has shown its usefulness and versatile nature in human lives. When it comes to body odour, this oil contains natural antibacterial properties, making it effective in keeping odour-causing bacteria at bay. After applying this oil to your body, not only will you smell amazing, but you’ll also be nourishing your skin at the same time.

Change Undergarments After Every Shower

Let’s be real: changing your undergarments after every shower is a simple yet often overlooked hack. Fresh underwear can make a world of difference in how you feel and smell throughout the day. Wearing damp or sweaty undergarments can contribute to unwanted odours and discomfort, eating into your confidence and making you self-conscious during the day. So wouldn't you rather just change your underwear, then? You need to make it a habit to wear fresh underwear after every shower. If you weren't already doing this, you'll notice the big impact it'll have on your journey.

Exfoliate Regularly

Regular exfoliation can be a game-changer in your quest for a fresher scent. Exfoliating helps remove dead skin cells that can trap bacteria and cause odour. Therefore, by using a gentle scrub a few times a week, you'll help remove these bacteria harbouring skin cells, thus smelling better. You can even make your homemade scrub by adding together sugar, coffee and essential oil. By using this, you'll not only be able to get rid of body odour, but you'll also improve your skin health, preventing further smells from it.