Dad Gives Phone To Daughter-In-Law After Upgrade, Regrets It When She Confronts Him 2 Days Later

Helping Her Out

Father-in-law John Bloom wanted to surprise his daughter-in-law Amy with a thoughtful gift. While rummaging through his belongings, he found an outdated phone Amy might be able to use.

In the wake of his upgrade, he decided to pass his old model on to her since she was in need of a better one. Amy was unaware of the contents of the phone, which he had handed to her excitedly.

Feeling Thankful

It was a touching gesture of kindness on John's part to offer Amy such a gift. Amy graciously accepted it. In retrospect, John had long forgotten the secrets contained within the phone. 

Amy would have a chance to discover the old photos and messages. The files seemed to have been left behind by John without being erased. She wouldn't believe what she would discover.

Digging Deeper

Amy discovered hidden photos and messages on her phone while exploring it. Amy pondered whether to confront John about what she found or keep the discovery a secret.

The mysterious contents of the phone piqued her curiosity, compelling her to look deeper. In the meantime, John remained unaware of what Amy had found. There was no way Amy could believe what had happened.

Too Much Information

It was clear to her that her father-in-law, John, didn't want anyone to see the wealth of information at her disposal.

Why would John forget to mention this before handing her the phone? In retrospect, it would have been better if she hadn't accepted his phone. 

What Could She Do

She was overwhelmed by all of this. Her desire to avoid being involved in this situation has now become a reality. John's secrets were all in her hands, but she was not sure what to do with them.

She had no idea what she was going to do next. How should she proceed? Should she keep her knowledge to herself, or should she tell John all she knows and expose him to the world?

A Good Man

In addition to being the glue that kept his family together, John Bloom was 77 years old and a retired police officer. John kept many secrets, but no one knew what they were.

John was keeping something from his family, even though he was respected and trusted in his community.

He Loved His Life

Their relationship lasted over 50 years, and John and Marie were extremely proud of each other. His proudest achievement was his family, which included three children.

Despite being respected as a police officer and trusted by many, John had a lot of secrets. In the event that they were eventually revealed, they would destroy both his reputation and his life.


Throughout his life, John harbored secrets. His intention was not to reveal their existence to anyone. In view of how important it was to him, he was prepared to take it with him to the grave.

Through all these years, he had always been so careful. A single detail could not be revealed. His life was perfect until he committed one fatal error.

Under Control

Despite his secrets, John believed that he had his entire life under control. When the time was right, he would destroy the hard drive he had backed up in his home office.

The whole thing made him feel bad, but it had been a long time ago. He had moved on from the situation. It would not be long before John's past would haunt him once again.

An Upgrade

A cell phone upgrade was in progress for John. He no longer wanted the older one, even though it wasn't broken. Due to his interest in nature photography, he wanted a phone with a good camera.

Having retired from the police force, it became a new hobby for him. It ended up being more convenient for him to get a whole new phone rather than buy a camera. The time had come.


He had his old phone for over ten years already, and he wanted to treat himself. All he had to do was remove his memory card, and then everything would be set up. Or so he thought.

John had no idea that by getting this new phone, things would be getting a little difficult for him. And it all had to do with his daughter-in-law, Amy.

Amy Gets The Old Phone

After John had received his new phone, Amy expressed interest in buying his older phone. “My phone is past its sell-by date, and I don’t need any fancy cameras. Just as long as it can make calls and I can send and receive texts, it’s good enough for me,” she said.

John didn’t even think twice. “Of course, you can have it. No need to pay me. It’s all yours, honey.”


Amy was very grateful that her father-in-law had just handed the phone to her. It was actually in good condition. She wasted no time in transferring all of her data onto the new device.

And it wasn’t long before Amy, too, had a “new phone.” She spent hours going through the phone’s features. That was until she came across something unexpected.

A Hidden Folder

As Amy was scrolling through all the applications on the device, she seemed to have found a folder that contained photos and even some saved text messages and emails.

When she clicked on it, she saw that it belonged to her father-in-law, John. He must have forgotten to transfer that folder to his new phone. It was then that something caught Amy’s attention.


The folder was password-protected. Amy thought it must have been John’s confidential police work that he had. But the one thing that intrigued her was that the folder was named “personal” and not labeled work as she thought it would be.

If it was personal, why didn’t John transfer it? Did he forget? Amy decided that she was going to crack the password and look at the folder.

Opening The Folder

She tried a few sets of numbers, but nothing worked. She thought about it for a moment and then came up with something. John’s birthday.

When she entered the four digits, the folder opened up in an instant. She was in. However, when she clicked on the various items stored in the folder, she wished that she hadn’t opened it in the first place.

A Nightmare

At first, she thought it was all a nightmare, but when she blinked her eyes a few times, everything was real. She couldn’t believe what she was looking at.

John was keeping a massive secret from his whole family, and Amy was the one who had uncovered everything. She wished that she never asked for his phone.

Hidden For So Long

When she looked at the dates of the photos and text messages, they went so far back that she couldn’t even begin to imagine how John could have kept something like this hidden for so long.

Amy began to panic. What was she going to do now? She loved her father-in-law, but she never imagined that he was capable of something like this.

What Would She Do?

She didn’t know if this was something that she could keep to herself. This could tear a whole family apart. It wasn’t her place to reveal it, but she wondered if she should tell John that she had found his secret folder.

It was something that was weighing heavily upon her shoulders. Should she tell her husband about it?

Telling Her Husband

Her husband, Mark would surely be furious. He looked up to his Dad, and if she had learned about this huge secret, he would surely have lost all respect for his father.

Amy was at a crossroads. She didn’t know what to do. Should she just forget that she even came across the folder to begin with and try to forget everything she saw?

Causing Problems

Amy decided to give herself a few days. She needed to think. This was causing a lot of problems for her. She couldn’t deal with it, and soon, her husband, Mark, noticed that she was taking strain over something.

“Are you okay? You’ve been very quiet and withdrawn lately. Is everything alright?” Mark asked. However, Amy just kept it cool until she knew what to do.

The Talk

At the end of it all, Amy decided that she was going to talk to John about it. She called him one morning and asked to see him alone. This was the day that everything would hopefully be sorted out, and her life could go back to normal.

John had no idea what Amy was about to reveal to him. “John, I found something on your old phone. I don’t think that it was meant to be seen,” Amy said, relieved to finally talk about it.

Amy Reveals All

John froze. He knew exactly what Amy was referring to. He hung his head. He was clearly ashamed and embarrassed that his daughter-in-law had uncovered a long-buried secret.

“Amy, honey. I’m so sorry that you came across that folder. I suppose I failed to transfer that over to my new phone. I can’t make any excuses, but it was a long time ago. I’m happy with Marie, and I was hoping to take that secret to my grave.”

John’s Secret

Amy looked at her father-in-law. Although she was very upset by what she found, she believed that it was ancient history. “I believe you, John. I just don’t understand why you would keep such incriminating evidence against yourself on your phone.”

John knew she was right. He was stupid to keep evidence of his years-long affair on his phone. Anybody could have come across it.

A Decision

Amy then made a decision. “John, I love you, and I love this family. I don’t want to do anything to tear us apart. I’m willing to overlook your affair if you delete everything you have on all of your devices or anything else you have saved. It’s the only way.”

John smiled. His daughter-in-law was showing mercy, not only to him but to their entire family. He knew what he had to do.

A Weight Lifted

With a sense of relief flooding over him, John agreed to Amy's terms. It was a weight lifted off his shoulders, knowing that he wouldn't have to carry the burden of his past mistakes any longer.

He spent the next few hours meticulously deleting every trace of the affair from his devices, ensuring that no remnants remained. As he did so, he felt a sense of catharsis, as if he was finally letting go of a part of his life that had been haunting him for far too long.


When John had finished deleting everything, he went to Amy and thanked her for her understanding and compassion. He knew he didn't deserve her forgiveness, but he was grateful for it nonetheless.

Amy hugged him tightly, feeling a weight lift off her own shoulders as well. She was relieved that they could put this behind them and move forward as a family.

Moving Forward

In the days that followed, John made a conscious effort to cherish his family even more. He realized how close he had come to losing everything that mattered to him and vowed never to make the same mistake again.

Amy, too, found solace in the forgiveness she had granted. She knew that nobody was perfect and everyone deserved a second chance.

A Distant Memory

As time passed, John's affair became nothing more than a distant memory, a painful lesson learned. He made sure to cherish every moment with his family, knowing just how fragile happiness could be.

And as for Amy, she never looked at her father-in-law the same way again. Despite his flaws, she admired his strength in facing his past and his commitment to moving forward.


In the end, it was forgiveness that saved their family from falling apart. It was a reminder that even the darkest secrets could be overcome with love and understanding. And as they moved forward together, they knew that their bond had only grown stronger because of it.

Amy had done it for the sake of family, and she knew that John was a changed man.