Girl Mocks Boy, Years Later He Gets The Last Laugh


Anthony was mortified, frozen in his tracks. This was some kind of joke, right? He couldn’t believe she had done this to him, and in front of everybody too. Antony stood in embarrassment, and his head began to spin. 

He could feel his cheeks blush like an over-ripe tomato and he ran far away, as fast as he could. He thought things couldn’t get any worse, but he was so wrong. 

Fast Food Addict

Anthony Bayer was a self-proclaimed fast-food addict. Burgers, fries, hot dogs, pizzas - all the kind of foods that most people have as a weekend treat, Anthony ate. Every single day.

His family tried their best to get him to eat healthily, but Antony would still somehow get his hands on greasy foods. The more Antony ate, the bigger he got. But he just brushed it off. The food tasted too good to not eat, but Antony had no idea what was in store for him.

Taunting And Teasing

Everybody at school would tease Anthony, taunting him about his appearance. Even a few of his teachers would make sly yet harsh digs about Antony. 

He tried to mask his pain and humiliation but he was sinking further and further into a dark hole. He thought it couldn’t get any worse, but little did he know what was coming.


Every day, Anthony would binge on junk and fast foods. He’d have a meatball sub for breakfast, two pizzas for lunch, and fried chicken for dinner. He couldn’t help himself; it was the only way he was able to deal with the cruel taunts from school. 

He tried to laugh off the vicious words, but they clung to his emotions like grease on a piece of fried chicken. He felt unwanted and completely alone, but Antony’s lowest point was still to come. 

Prom Was Just Around The Corner 

Prom was approaching, and nervous girls and boys lingered in the school hallway waiting to be asked out to the most special night of the year. Anthony dismissed the idea of going to prom as soon as it was announced. There was no way you could catch him there. 

But then when Molly, a popular girl at his school who wouldn’t look out of place on a cover of Vogue, approached him in math class, he had no idea what was in store for him.

A Beautiful Girl

Molly walked up to Anthony, flashing her Hollywood smile. Anthony felt butterflies in his stomach. She was one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen. “Will you go to the prom with me,” Molly asked. Anthony was speechless. “Erm, yeah sure,” he quietly replied, his cheeks blushing bright red. 

Molly gave a cheerful smile and walked away. Inside, Anthony was bursting with excitement. He was so happy, and he knew his mom would be happy too! Little did Anthony know what was coming to him.

Prom Is Here

The day of prom swiftly arrived and Antony had rented a fancy suit and even had even splashed out on a limousine so he and Molly could arrive at prom in style. He knew he couldn’t mess this up, after all, when do guys like Anthony ever get asked out by girls like Molly? 

When he kissed his parents goodbye and hoped into the limousine, ready to pick up his date, he had no idea his entire world was about to come crashing down.

Picking Up His Date

Anthony, armed with his fancy suit and limousine, pulled up to Molly’s house. He could feel his heartbeat race as he got out of the car and walked to her front door. He was super nervous, and his hands were shaking as he rang the doorbell. 

He took a deep breath and waited for his date to appear. After a few minutes, the door opened and Molly appeared. What she did next would leave Antony scarred for the rest of his life. 

Laughing At Him

Molly, who looked like she was ready to grace a Hollywood red carpet, started laughing at Antony. A group of people appeared behind Molly and joined in with the laughter. Did he have cookie crumbs on him? Did he leave a smudge or shaving cream on? Why was she laughing? 

It turned out the reason for her laughing was way worse than a mere cookie crumb or blob of shaving cream. 


“You’re just a big joke,” Molly said, laughing and pointing at Anthony. Hearing those words, Anthony could feel his world crumble around him. He was mortified, how could someone be so cruel? 

He felt the tears trickle down his face and he ran back into the limousine as fast as he could and headed back home. It was the cruelest thing Anthony had ever experienced.

Getting Home

When Anthony arrived home he raided his parent's fridge -- it was fortunate that they were out. He wiped away the tears as he gulped down whatever he could get his hands on. 

He knew that people would hear about the heartbreaking prank. He was for sure going to be laughing stock at school on Monday. And he was right. 

Even More Embarrassment 

When he arrived at school the following Monday, his classmates were laughing and retelling the story of him getting publicly rejected. 

Thankfully, Anthony knew that school was about to finish.. for good. He would never see these people again. He would never have to watch Molly, the girl who left him heartbroken and humiliated, laugh at him with her friends. But Anthony was wrong. 

Vicious Cycle

With each slice of pizza and chocolate cake he devoured, he showed no signs of slowing down. He would consume two foot-long meatball subs with a large bottle of coke for breakfast, while lunch would consist of a burger meal from KFC and a packet of Magnum ice creams

Then for dinner, Anthony would consume two large pizzas and another two-liter bottle of coke -- meaning he was consuming around 10,000 calories per day.

Creeping Up

Caught in a vicious cycle and at his highest weight, Anthony tipped the scales at almost 300 pounds. 

Because of his large size, he was made the subject of intense bullying and scornful looks wherever he went. And more than just a target for bullying, his weight was having a severe impact on his health.

Health Complications

Although he was still a teenager, Anthony was putting himself at risk for diseases such as gallstones, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides, coronary artery disease (CAD), a stroke, and sleep apnea, among other conditions. 

Complications of being overweight also include liver problems, problems with hip development (slipped capital femoral epiphysis) or bone growth in the legs. So why didn't he try to lose the weight right away? 

Spiraling Out Of Control

“I sank into a major depression after that, which lasted years after high school ended. I never thought anyone could love me and that I’d be alone forever,” Anthony confesses.

And the more depressed he became, the more he looked for solace in food. “I didn’t know how to eat properly and didn’t care. I was addicted to fast food." 

Embarrassed And Ashamed

Anthony was too embarrassed to go to the gym when he was at such a high weight. Given the fact he was subject to such scorn and hurtful comments when just walking around in public, going to a gym full of fit people he assumed would react the same way was the last thing that he wanted to do. 

It's such a contradiction — making fun of someone who is overweight for going to the gym is like making fun of someone who is hungry for going to a restaurant. But a trip to the doctor was about to change all that.

Visiting The Doctor 

What Anthony originally thought was going to be a check-up doctor visit ended up being a complete wake-up call. His doctor conducted tests and the results showed that Anthony was about to get diabetes. 

The words hit Anthony like a ton of bricks. He knew he had to do something about it and make some drastic changes... but was it too late? 

Had To Make A Change

Anthony’s trip to the doctor made him realize he had to quickly change his lifestyle and eating habits. It was quite literally a case of life or death. For the first time in his life, Anthony went to the gym, and he started to eat healthy too. 

It was hard at first, but eventually, Anthony got into it. He started to educate himself on nutrition and foods and carefully watched what he ate. He knew it was going to be a long and tedious journey, but it would be worth it. He wasn’t going to give up. No way. 

Lifestyle Change

The key to a healthy transformation is including a variety of foods in your diet — everything in moderation — heavy on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates. And the importance of eating plenty of protein cannot be overstated. 

This has been shown to boost metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day. High-protein diets can also reduce cravings and obsessive thoughts about food and reduce the desire for late-night snacking by half. But for Anthony, cutting out sugar was key. 


"When I was fat, I hated myself and never thought anyone could love me. All I wanted was to have a partner and family, so that really motivated me to lose weight," Anthony confessed. 

After a few weeks, he began seeing a difference in his body and feeling healthier than he had in years. Now, he was unstoppable. 

New Lease On Life

Anthony was working out pretty much every day and was eating healthy. He swapped pizzas for brown rice, chocolate for fruit - he was determined to prove everyone wrong. 

Finally, his weight started to drop off. It was a long and tiring transformation but the results were worth it. He was oozing with confidence. Finally, he felt happy. But he had no idea a visitor from his past was about to come back into his life. 

Completely Different 

Five years passed and Anthony looked completely different from the 17-year-old he once was. He had started a YouTube channel, in order to motivate people, using his words of wisdom to help change people’s lives. 

He also gained a lot of female attention. Using the numerous dating apps out there, he received over 1000 matches! It was crazy. But Anthony had no idea what was about to happen.

A Message 

It was late in the afternoon and Anthony had just finished a workout at his local gym. With endorphins pumping around his body, he headed home ready for an early night. 

As he pulled into his driveway, his phone beeped - he had received a message. When he saw who the message was from he felt sick to his stomach. 

It Was Molly

It was from Molly, the girl who humiliated him back at prom. How did she get his number? What did she want? 

As he read the message he had flashbacks to that humiliating night five years ago. The night where Antony’s world fell apart. She had some nerve to message him.

Lost For Words

In the message, Molly apologized for what she did back in high school. But the message didn’t end there. 

You see, she followed up her apology with an invitation for Anthony to go on a date with her! Anthony was lost for words. He wasn’t going to stand for this. No way.

Had To Make Her Feel The Same

Anthony could remember how mortified he felt when Molly embarrassed him. He had never felt humiliation like it. He had no sympathy or time for her, he didn’t want to give her a second thought. 

And what he did next left Molly just as humiliated as she made him, five years ago. She had it coming to her. 

Forgive But Never Forget

You see, Anthony completely ignored the text. He will forgive but he will never forget. 

This incredible man can now carry on living his life full of rightly-deserved happiness. The bully who made his life a living hell will never hear from Anthony again. And Anthony was more than happy with that.


"I never thought about my health until my doctor said I was about to get diabetes. I broke down in tears and realized I needed to change my life," Anthony revealed in an interview.

"I stopped eating fast food and began cooking for myself. I also stepped foot into a gym for the first time back in 2014 and haven't looked back." But Anthony isn't the only one who has made such an unbelievable transformation...

Big Girls Don’t Cry

Obesity is a crisis in the US. Many people struggle with their weight. Some Americans are even at the point of dangerous numbers. Their weight will literally kill them if they don’t act fast. 

Most people struggle to find the will to get up and get rid of their weight. But for one couple, enough was enough. They decided to take ownership of their weight problem. And the results are truly inspiring!

Introducing Power Couple Lexi And Danny Reed

The Reeds certainly did not look like much two years ago. Both were overweight, and both were complacent. But both were happy as well. 

Danny fell in love with Lexi for who she was. After ten years of being together, Danny popped the question and wanted to make Lexi his wife. She was thrilled by the idea! But sadly, a wedding at 485 pounds isn’t the easiest thing to manage. And the complications were only beginning.

Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

Although the couple was happy, their weight had always been a challenge. They were unable to enjoy doing usual things together. No romantic bike rides or strolls on the beach. They even battled going out for a meal and movie. 

Size really can set someone back. Danny and Lexi were becoming aware of this. Thanks to their weight, the couple sank into a dangerous complacency. And the medical complications were terrifying.

Wedding Blues

Even though they had an astounding amount of love for each other, something was weighing on Lexi. Organizing a wedding at such a massive size really put a strain on her. She found herself battling to do everyday things. 

Seeing venues and suppliers became an enormous chore. Instead of enjoying her planning, Lexi felt like a prisoner. And then came the wedding dress, which sent Lexi into a bad depression.

Finding A Wedding Dress At 485 Pounds

Weighing in at a staggering 485 pounds, this bride had her work cut out for her. She needed to find a wedding dress not only that fit her size, but that she loved. 

Every bride dreams of being married in her fairy tale dress. Unfortunately for Lexi, this wasn’t so easy. Her sheer enormity began to depress her. But she knew in her heart, the wedding must go on. Even if it wasn’t a dream come true.

Wedding Bells In The Air

The couple got married without a hitch. They enjoyed a beautiful ceremony together and made the most of their day. But her weight was forever playing in the back of Lexi’s mind. Even though she had her dream guy, how long would it last? 

A year later, she and her husband found themselves in a dangerous rut. Fast food, television, and nothing more put her risk in serious jeopardy. And the incredible seed was planted.

The Future Looked Dim For Lexi

Even though she loved her husband, Lexi wanted more. She had always dreamed of traveling. But due to her size, she could not fit into a plane seat. 

Lexi wanted to visit Orlando. She wished to see the Wizarding World Of Harry Potter. But thanks to her weight, there was no way of getting there. Things seemed hopeless for Lexi. Until she decided to make a dramatic change.

Too Much Of A Good Thing

Even though her dreams were slowly slipping away from her, Lexi had one thing. She had unconditional love from her husband Danny. 

He was a great means of support to the overweight woman. He cared for her and loved her no matter what. But is caring became the root of the problem. Danny began to care too much for his bride. So much so, he began to kill her.

The Complacency Is Killing Me

 Even though Danny meat no harm, his support was not the right kind. He would sit idly with his wife while binge-watching series and overindulging on snacks. He never once thought their dietary habits were an issue. 

But the more processed foods they ate, the worse Lexi became. She indulged in takeout food daily. And with no one to stop her, she was on a downward spiral. And then the couple received devastating news.

The Health Scare That Shook The Couple

Lexi received a devastating blow. She had always dreamed of being a mom. But due to her weight, her likelihood of conceiving was low. 

This sent her spiraling into depression. All Lexi ever wanted was to be a mom! But her weight was a risk to both her and her child. She knew something had to be done. And then, she made a change so remarkable, it inspired the world

Lexi Beats Obesity

Suddenly, Lexi had an overwhelming urge to get healthy. She found it in herself to get up and go. And boy, did the hard work pay off! 

Eighteen months later, a person would not even recognize her and her husband Danny. The pair put themselves into high gear. And the results were staggering. They now lead a healthy, lighter life. And their story inspires millions! But it wasn’t always so easy. A massive problem almost derailed their progress. 

Danny Is Weary About The Workouts

Initially, husband Danny posed a threat to Lexi’s weight loss. He wasn’t keen on the idea of working out as intensely as she wanted. But, thanks to his pure love and devotion, he pushed through. 

His wife inspired him to get off the sofa and join her. And with his help, the couple began to soar. Their progress was astounding. Some of their friends even hedged an interesting bet on the two. 

All Or Nothing

Friends of the couple decided to hedge a bet on the couple. They wagered that the pair wouldn’t make it through a month. So Lexi raised the stakes! 

She proclaimed they would train for half an hour five times a week. She also pledged to not order take-outs or drink alcohol. And as a result, her weight loss took off like a wildfire. All thanks to a friendly bet.

Danny And Lexi Are A Phenomenon

This power couple has managed to inspire millions. All through a little bit of determination. Thanks to Lexi’s pregnancy scare, the couple now lead healthy, fulfilling lives. 

Their story was so inspiring, they became a viral internet sensation. Lexi was honored by the Loreal Paris and TNT Drama. They invited her to attend the 2018 Screen Actors Guild Awards. She was deemed an inspirational woman by the group. And she continues to inspire all to this day.

Lexi Changed Her Life In Eighteen Months 

This powerhouse lady changed her life dramatically in only eighteen months. This just goes to show how much a little determination can do! 

The couple still continues to train together. They lead a healthy life style and indulge in great healthy foods. They are a true inspiration to many and should be revered by all. If one couple has the capacity to do it, so do we all!