Dog Refuses To Eat When Mother-In-Law Is Around, Mom Installs Camera And Finds Out Why

Never Faced Any Issues With Pogos Diet

She had never faced any problem getting Pogo to devour his food in the past. Back when he was just a puppy, she even had to invest in a special bowl to curb his habit of gobbling it down too quickly. However, after 14 years, she returned home each day to find his bowl untouched.

Oddly enough, when she served his dinner, he wasted no time in devouring it. Opening the camera footage, she felt a pang of guilt for suspecting her mother-in-law of any wrongdoing. Little did she know, the truth would shatter her heart into pieces.

Adopting Pogo To Fill A Void

Upon learning they couldn't conceive, Ellie Sommers and her husband, Justin, were overcome with despair. In an attempt to alleviate some of the sorrow, Ellie suggested they adopt a dog. Thus, they welcomed a Goldendoodle puppy into their lives, whom they affectionately named Pogo.

From the moment they met, Ellie and Pogo shared an instant bond. He was a lively pup with an insatiable appetite, and they embarked on numerous adventures together. However, as Pogo reached the age of nine, Ellie noticed a decline in his energy levels. It was a stark reminder that Pogo was entering his twilight years.

The Risk Of Pogo As He Grew Older

As Pogo began to age, Theresa, Ellie’s mother-in-law, stepped in to spend time with him during the day. While Pogo had been fine alone previously, Ellie and her husband grew concerned about potential risks as he got older.

Theresa had already developed a strong bond with Pogo, and Ellie felt confident entrusting her with the care of their beloved canine companion. For nearly five years, Theresa had been keeping Pogo company during the day. However, Ellie's trust in her mother-in-law would soon be put to the test.

Pogo Started Sleeping Later

As Pogo aged, he started to sleep in later into the morning. By the time Ellie and Justin had left for work, he would only begin to stir, prompting Theresa to take charge of his breakfast routine. However, upon Ellie's return home in the evenings, she consistently found Pogo's bowl still full of food.

At first, Ellie entertained the possibility that Theresa might have fed Pogo his dinner early. Yet, when questioned, Theresa denied this notion, insisting that Pogo simply had lost his appetite for breakfast. Ellie struggled to accept this explanation; after all, Pogo had never shown any aversion to food before. Something didn't add up.

Never Having To Worry About Pogo’s Health Previously

Ellie had never been worried about Pogo’s health before. His vet checkups were always perfect, and the vet told them he would likely live a long life. Unprepared and unwilling to part with her furry friend prematurely, Ellie began to panic. She needed to protect her pup.

First, she tried to change the brand of food he was getting. She was doubtful that this was the problem, since he still ate his dinner when she gave it to him, but she was willing to try anything. Unfortunately, she was right – it didn’t make a difference.

A Scheduled Vet Appointment

As Ellie's worry mounted, she scheduled a vet appointment for Pogo. Aware that shifts in eating behavior could signal underlying health issues in dogs, she dreaded the possibility of receiving distressing news. On a Saturday afternoon, she accompanied her faithful companion to the veterinary clinic.

Despite Ellie's growing frustration, the initial checkup yielded no concerning findings; Pogo's health appeared to be as robust as ever. However, the vet proposed conducting blood tests to delve deeper into the matter. Though Ellie consented, the agonizing hour-long wait only heightened her anxiety as she braced herself for potential bad news.

Dread Filled As She Feared Pogo’s Well-being

Ellie's heart raced as she watched the vet approach an hour later, her hands trembling with apprehension as he motioned them back into the examination room. Dread filled her as she feared for Pogo's well-being.

To her dismay, the vet couldn't unravel the mystery surrounding Pogo's condition. The only noteworthy findings from the tests indicated a slight deficiency in vital nutrients, likely attributed to his reduced appetite rather than serving as the root cause of his peculiar behavior. Ellie felt utterly helpless. What other options remained for her to explore?

Amidst Her Rising Panic

Amidst her rising panic, the vet proposed a potential solution that could provide insight into Pogo's behavior. "Setting up a camera to monitor him during the day might offer some clues," he suggested.

Driven by desperation, Ellie wasted no time in acting upon the suggestion. She promptly headed to an electronics store to procure a nanny cam. Despite her trust in Theresa's care for Pogo, what Ellie was about to uncover would shake the very foundation of their relationship.

Embracing Pogo

As Ellie nestled on the couch, embracing her cherished Pogo, her thoughts spun wildly, momentarily setting aside the presence of the nanny cam. Despite the vet's inability to identify the issue, she remained convinced that something was amiss with Pogo. Intimately acquainted with her pup's demeanor, she recognized that his refusal to eat was entirely out of character.

Tears streamed down her cheeks in silent anguish as the grim prospect of losing her loyal companion loomed larger in her mind. Despite his advancing age, she felt unprepared for the possibility of bidding farewell. Her heart throbbed with pain as Pogo tenderly comforted her, his whimpers mingling with the gentle licks that traced her tear-stained cheeks. How could she ever contemplate a life without him by her side?

Ellie’s Mind Consumed By Worry

During Sunday lunch with the Sommers family, Ellie struggled to focus, her mind consumed by worry. She repeatedly questioned her mother-in-law about any peculiarities in Pogo's behavior, whether his food had been tampered with, and if he was receiving adequate care.

Theresa's expression hardened at the last inquiry. "I assure you, Ellie, I'm taking proper care of him. Pogo means the world to me; I'd never do anything to harm him," she retorted. Ellie swiftly apologized, recognizing her unintentional offense. However, she couldn't shake the troubling notion from her mind—Pogo's unusual behavior seemed to coincide only with Theresa's caregiving.

Starting To Spiral

Ellie’s fears soon had her spiraling out of control irrationally. She began to question every move anyone made around Pogo. Justin reassured her that his mom loved Pogo deeply and wouldn’t put him in danger, suggesting it was just the dog getting old.

But Ellie couldn’t accept that. She couldn’t fathom her permanently hungry pup suddenly turning down food just because he was a bit older. She was certain there was something fishy going on, and Theresa was the common denominator.

Obsessing About It

Before long, her obsession was keeping her up at night. She and Theresa had always gotten along. Though the older woman held some unusual and different beliefs about health, particularly natural healing remedies, the two of them had amicably agreed to disagree.

But now, Ellie was entirely convinced that her mother-in-law was guilty of something. For years, Theresa had been a loving dog grandmother to Pogo. What would drive her to do this kind of thing now?

Theresa’s Remedies

Then, a few days later, Ellie got home to find an empty packet of something unfamiliar on the counter near Pogo’s untouched food. She was immediately suspicious – Theresa must have left it there. She inspected the packet up close, and that’s when her rage went through the roof.

The label told her that it was a natural remedy for gut health. She couldn’t believe that Theresa would dare to use her alternative medicine on Pogo when she knew Ellie disapproved. She wasn’t going to get away with this, and Ellie would make sure she paid for endangering the aging dog.

Benefit Of The Doubt

In her furious state, Ellie told her husband what she had found and what his mother had done. While he trusted his wife, he knew she was highly emotional due to Pogo’s health. He was also willing to give his own mother the benefit of the doubt.

He suggested they ask Theresa to stay for dinner the following night so that they could have a conversation. Justin pleaded with his wife to stay calm and offer Theresa the opportunity to explain. But Ellie was ready to erupt, and not even her husband would be able to calm her.

Confronting Her

When the Sommers couple sat down across from Theresa, the older woman appeared confused and clueless. Ellie scoffed at her act. She wouldn’t get away with this by feigning innocence. She didn’t hesitate to throw the accusation at her mother-in-law.

“What have you been putting in Pogo’s food, Theresa? I know you’re messing with it, so don’t lie. You’re the reason he’s not eating. Explain yourself. How could you do this?” Ellie demanded, barely pausing to breathe. Theresa froze, shocked. The truth was about to come out.

Playing Dumb

“W- What are you talking about?” Theresa stammered, mouth hanging open. Ellie rolled her eyes. “Don’t play dumb. I found your little gut health remedy. How can you risk his life like that?” she pressed, her voice growing louder.

Theresa’s eyes suddenly narrowed at her daughter-in-law. “You think I’d give that to Pogo? It was for me! I got food poisoning and was trying to help my immune system heal. How could you accuse me of that? I’ve loved that dog like my own grandchild!”

Separating Them

Justin’s head spun as the two most important women in his life yelled at each other. He knew he needed to separate them. He turned to his wife and said, “Honey, I’m going to drive Mom home. I think everyone needs to calm down, then we can continue this conversation.”

Ellie huffed and retreated to their bedroom, Pogo hot on her heels. She didn’t have anything else to say to the older woman. She didn’t believe her story, and she was going to prove it was a lie.


When her husband got home, Ellie was in bed already, cuddling her beloved pup. As he walked into the bedroom, she knew he was upset with her. “Why did you freak out at her like that, Ellie? She’s an old lady, and she’s struggling to handle it. She feels really betrayed.”

He told her how Theresa had cried throughout the whole trip home and how hurt she was that Ellie thought her capable of such a horrible thing. He hated seeing his mother in such a state.

The Only Connection

Ellie sighed. She didn’t want to upset her husband or damage their marriage, and she never meant to hurt his relationship with his mom, but she had to tell him the truth. He had to know why she had come to this conclusion.

“I feel betrayed, too, Justin. I didn’t want to believe it, but she’s the only connection to Pogo not eating. So I don’t believe her. Sorry.” Then she flipped the switch on her bedside lamp, ending the conversation.

Another Sleepless Night

However, Ellie didn’t really go to sleep – she couldn’t. Not only was she concerned about Pogo, but now there was tension with her husband, too. How had everything gone so wrong so quickly?

She knew who to blame: Theresa. Everything bad that had happened revolved around her in some way. Justin was angry because she had supposedly upset his mother. Pogo wasn’t eating because of whatever she put on his food. And Ellie wasn’t going to let her get away with any of it.

Slipped Her Mind

It was while Ellie was staring at the dark ceiling in the middle of the night that something dawned on her. She remembered her trip to the electronics store, the nanny cam that must be lying somewhere hidden in her car. In all her emotional turmoil, it had completely slipped her mind.

She realized she already had the perfect way of getting proof that Theresa was the one doing this. She would set up the nanny cam, and it would film the older woman’s activities. Justin would finally come to his senses and see what his mother was capable of. 

Getting The Proof

The following evening, while Justin was in the shower, Ellie speedily set up the camera. It was small and inconspicuous enough that she could easily hide it behind a roll of paper towels. In less than 24 hours, she would finally confirm what her mother-in-law was doing, once and for all.

Ellie’s nerves had been rubbed raw over the last few weeks, and knowing Pogo was still only eating half of what he needed was driving her mad. She anxiously anticipated finally proving that the perpetrator was hiding in plain sight. But she didn’t know how much her actions would hurt their family.

Feeling Guilty

The next day, as Ellie waited for the camera footage to transfer to her laptop, she thought back to the five years that Theresa had lovingly cared for Pogo. There was a pinch of guilt in her gut for accusing the kind woman, but it was the only explanation, however much it might hurt.

When she hit play, she didn’t know how much damage she was in danger of doing. Her heart dropped as she watched Theresa tamper with Pogo’s food. Ellie stopped breathing as she realized she had been right all along.

Messing With His Food

The nanny cam had captured Theresa putting something on Pogo’s food before placing it down in front of the eagerly drooling dog. There was no way he was no longer interested in breakfast. He was clearly hungry.

He sniffed and licked at the food, but as the older woman walked away, he stepped back from the food. He refused to eat it; something wasn’t right. Ellie’s heart dropped. She called her husband, watching him go pale at what he saw. 

The Whole Truth

He immediately pulled out his phone and called his mother’s number, putting her on speakerphone. “Mom, we know you’re putting something on Pogo’s food. You need to tell us what it is. I can’t believe you would lie to me!” he yelled, clearly hurt.

“I didn’t lie!” she quickly replied. “I just didn’t tell you the whole truth. I have been putting something on his food, but no natural remedies. I’ve been trying different types of dog treats to get him to eat his food. Go look in the pantry. You’ll see all of it.”

Momentary Relief

Ellie rushed to open the cupboard where they kept the dog food. Sure enough, she saw various treats, meat-flavored sprinkles, and more. She recognized the containers as what she had seen in the footage. She was immediately relieved, but her panic soon returned.

If Theresa hadn’t been putting anything unusual on Pogo’s food, why wasn’t he eating? He clearly wasn’t uninterested if his drooling was anything to go by, but he still refused to eat it. Her stomach twisted as she realized she only had more questions now.

A Possible Explanation

The first thing Ellie did the following morning was call the vet. She told him about the footage and what they had witnessed, and he agreed to take a look. She quickly emailed it to him. It wasn’t long before he called her back.

“I might have an answer, but you’ll have to try it out to know if my suspicions are correct. Tell your mother-in-law to stay near Pogo after giving him his food. If it works, I’ll explain more.” Ellie quickly relayed the instructions to Theresa before leaving for work, holding onto the tiniest bit of hope.

He’s Eating

A couple of hours later, Ellie’s phone suddenly lit up with a call from Theresa. Before she could say hello, her mother-in-law yelled through the phone, “It worked! He’s eating it right now; I sat down nearby, and he tucked in within a few seconds!”

Ellie could feel the relief flooding through her entire body. She didn’t understand in the least, but Pogo was eating, and that was a start. She speedily ended the call with Theresa and phoned the vet for an explanation.

Keeping Him Company

The vet laughed when Ellie told him what happened. “I should have known. Sometimes, when dogs get older, they get anxious without their owners around. They might not want to eat if you’re not close by. Do you usually stay in the area after you give him his dinner?”

Ellie confirmed that she stayed in the kitchen to cook their own dinner after feeding Pogo. “There’s your answer then,” the vet said. “Just keep him company while he eats, and he should be fine.”

Golden Years

The vet’s advice was like a silver bullet; Pogo immediately stopped his hunger strike when Theresa started staying with him while he ate breakfast. The whole family was overjoyed to see their beloved dog regain his monstrous appetite. He was as hungry as ever.

Ellie and Theresa made up quickly, knowing their conflict had been rooted in the love and concern they both felt for Pogo. The Sommers family continued to treasure every moment of Pogo’s golden years, never taking their furry friend for granted. Ellie knew that when his day eventually came, she could rest easy knowing that her furry companion had been given the best life imaginable.