Detox Foods To Incorporate In Your Meals

In a world now populated by GMOs and unnatural foods, it is more important to detox our bodies now than ever. Our bodies can detox a considerable amount of toxins on their own, however, we need to aid our bodies through the things we eat, drink, and consume to support and speed up the process so that we can be healthier. By detoxing, you will notice an enhancement in your overall quality of life as your body, skin, and mind will positively reflect this. Here are some natural detox foods that you should consider incorporating into your daily meals.

Coconut Water

This extremely refreshing treat is the perfect detox element you need to add to your meals. This is a perfect example of how detox foods are not meant to taste sour or bitter all the time. Since coconut water is a natural diuretic, after consuming it, your urine production is enhanced. In turn, this helps in the flushing out of toxins from your body, keeping you detoxed and revitalized for the rest of the day. Coconut water is also good for your digestive health, as it aids you in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Leafy Greens

Vitamin-packed green vegetables are the perfect foods to incorporate into your meals as they are well-known for their detoxing properties. Leafy greens like Spinach have a considerably high amount of chlorophyll in them. This proponent helps in detoxing the liver, aiding your overall digestion. Due to their versatile nature when it comes to meal incorporation, you can easily add them to any food as they can be suitably boiled, fried, steamed, or roasted for a flavorful yet detox-packed meal. Besides helping you stay detoxed, these greens will also help you combat any inflammation you may be feeling as they contain antioxidants.


Besides chasing away vampires, you'll be pleased to know that the garlic in your kitchen is even more useful than it looks. This is because it contains compounds like allicin (found in sulfur) that activate liver enzymes in charge of detoxifying the liver when eaten. This means that every time you add garlic to your meals, you are naturally detoxing your body. Moreover, besides its detox capabilities, garlic also helps improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Talk about a small yet very powerful food.


As bitter as it may be in its natural state, ginger is a necessary food that you need to add to your meals if you want to enhance the detoxification processes of your body. It is very easy to blend in with foods like soups, stir fries as well as stuffings and will add a rich flavor to them. By adding it, you will help stimulate your digestion and thus flush out toxins from your body. Due to its anti-inflammatory nature, it will also leave you feeling lighter as it alleviates muscle pains. This digestive aid is a cheap yet essential food that can easily aid you in detoxing your body.

Green Tea

There is nothing like a refreshing cup of tea alongside your meal (especially if it aids in your body’s detoxification). By incorporating green tea into your meal, you will help to naturally flush out the toxins in your body. This is because it contains EGCG, which enhances the functioning of your liver and, in turn, helps in fat metabolism. Not only will this tea leave you detoxed but it will also help you manage your weight. This tea is also good for boosting your brain health, which will come in handy ( obviously).


An apple a day really keeps the doctor away and in this case, it also leaves the gut detoxed. The high pectin content in apples helps in the binding of toxins and heavy metals that may be in your stomach tract. After this, these unwanted elements easily flash out of your body, leaving your body feeling purified. Considering that apples can be incorporated into anything, this food is very convenient to incorporate into your meals. Make sure you add this healthy fruit to your meals and experience the detoxification your body needs.

Chia Seeds

This fiber-rich substance is the perfect addition to your meals as it has fiber content, which will aid in the elimination of waste from your body. By incorporating chia seeds in your oats, pastries, or liquids, you aid your body in detoxification. Not only will this add leave your body detoxified, but it will also improve your blood sugar control, helping you avoid chronic illnesses such as Diabetes. For such a tiny particle element, chia seeds are very handy in boosting your overall health, especially through their detox properties.


Lemons are important as they help stimulate the liver, awakening it to detox your body. The citrus proponents in lemons also detox your body, preventing kidney stones from developing. Lemons also contain antioxidants, aiding in your overall skin health as well. Trust lemons to leave your inside and outside purified and detoxed.


The same way you use cucumbers to detox your skin is the same way you should also incorporate them in your meals for your overall body detoxification. Due to their very high water content, they help facilitate detoxification by promoting urination. This hydrating food will speed up your body’s detoxification functions and eliminate all the toxins that your body needs to rid of while also aiding in your weight loss.