9 Signs Of Emotional Intelligence

Human beings are emotional beings. That means our emotions have a great influence on our interactions, reactions, actions and thoughts. To coexist well with others, you need to understand your feelings and master them. You also need to recognize the feelings of the people that are around you so that you can communicate and act appropriately. When mastered well, you will notice improvements in your personal and professional life. Here are signs you can use to see whether or not you are emotionally intelligent.


This is the easiest sign that shows your emotional intelligence. When you are confident in yourself, you realistically know yourself in terms of your abilities, making you appreciative of yourself and translating to self-confidence effortlessly. It helps you try out things that people are afraid of but because you trust yourself, you are willing to see it through. This does not mean that you do not have any limitations but it shows that your strengths are what you focus on even if you know you have flaws. Get this right: being arrogant does not make you emotionally intelligent, but being confident in your strengths while acknowledging your flaws does.

Self- Regulation

Having several feelings and emotions all at once can be very frustrating and overwhelming for one person. This may make you lose touch and control of yourself, leaving you to aimlessly and impulsively act, react and behave, however. Being emotionally intelligent, however, means that you just don’t let your feelings affect your thoughts, and your thoughts affect your behaviour. You pause, assimilate everything, arrange your feelings, and then act appropriately, even in the most stressful of situations. This is good because it helps you avoid the consequences of irrational behaviour, and it also helps you not to drown in stress-causing behaviours like depression.


If you are not cognitive of your own emotions and yourself in general, then who do you expect to be that and to do that for you? You need to be able to pinpoint how you feel, why you are reacting the way you are and the feelings and emotions that you are showing. Understanding the things that make you tick and act the way you do will help you become better and prepare better for situations like that. It’s the same as working on your weaknesses so that you avoid their impact. You need to be aware of yourself to master emotional intelligence.

Reading into Non-verbal Cues

If you find yourself being able to tell how the person you are talking to is truly feeling through nonverbal cues, then you are emotionally intelligent. It is difficult to sometimes pick on people’s non-verbal behaviour. That is why many blogs are full of people asking whether their partners love them even though they ignore them, seem frustrated when they see their faces and even avoid them. It may be so simple for you to answer this but for people who are not as emotionally intelligent as you, it is difficult. Half the communication in the world is through non-verbal cues so if someone masters this, it shows their emotional intelligence.

Conflict Management

Conflict is an unavoidable aspect of the human world. Due to this, you need to be able to manage conflict every time you are faced with it. This does not mean you have all the answers but it simply means that you know what to do, who to approach or the basics that will help resolve a conflict. If you find it very easy to manage and resolve conflicts, then you are emotionally intelligent. This is because you can capacitate the needs and wants of the conflicting parties and align them so that they can co-exist without arguing, unlike before.

Adaptability and Open-Mindedness

A creature of good emotional intelligence finds it very easy to adapt to any situation. This is because they are open-minded, making it easy to understand different perspectives as well as to know how to act in different situations. Being flexible and receptive to new ideas and perspectives is easy for people with emotional intelligence making this a sign of emotional intelligence.


Have you ever experienced people who always seem optimistic even in the harshest of realities? It’s like all they see is the good in other people and situations. Well, this is because they conditioned their emotional being to a positive outlook on things, making them emblems of hope. If you are one of these people, then that is a sign that you are an emotionally intelligent person.


How can you be motivated if you are not in touch with your emotional state or vice versa? Motivation and emotional intelligence feed on each other.  Our emotions give us the drive we need to achieve the things that we want. When emotionally intelligent, all you can see is the outcome that what you want will happen with the right amount of effort and confidence in yourself. This allows you to remain on track in terms of wanting to achieve your goals and realizing your dreams. To master emotional intelligence, you need to be emotionally intelligent and vice versa.


The ability to know that everything will be fine, even if it is momentarily difficult is one of the greatest things that a man can have. This is because, in life, difficulties and hurdles are guaranteed from time to time. It is not a smooth sail and you will experience failure, loss and other negative things. Emotional intelligence, however, makes sure that you will find the strength to move on, keep trying and face anything that may come your way