8 Traits That You Should Forego Before They Become Full-Blown Bad Behavior

Are you aware that some of the things we’ve started to normalise are not normal? It’s funny how, over time, certain traits can slip into our everyday lives and become accepted or even celebrated. By normalising these traits, we unintentionally support and strengthen the foundation for breeding individuals with bad behaviour. This is why it’s so important to recognize and shed these seemingly simple traits before they develop into more serious habits. Let’s dive into some traits that need changing from now on.

Being Impulsive

Somehow, acting without thinking has become something to be normalised. So what’s the use of our mind then if we can just act thoughtlessly and irrationally?  What you may disregard is how impulsivity can lead to a whole host of problems since our minds act as regulators and without them, we risk endangering ourselves as well as other people around us.  It can even end up affecting your finances, relationships, and even your mental health. You, therefore, need to always take time to take a step back and assess a citation before you find yourself wallowing over the outcome of impulsive moments. 


Do you remember that time you said you were going to go to the gym and ended up saving it for later, it's now two months later, and you haven't gone yet. Or that time you said you needed to calm down first before apologising to the person you hurt yet you haven't fixed that fence yet?  It’s something we can all relate to, right? Whether it’s delaying work assignments, household chores, or even personal goals, procrastination can quickly spiral into a cycle of stress and guilt. By continuously procrastinating, you are promoting laziness and a sense of demotivation. In the end, you'll find yourself so engulfed in incomplete tasks that you may lag at work or school, affecting your life on a larger scale. You need to get rid of this behaviour sooner rather than later. 

Negative Thinking

The way people normalise negative thinking is like they enjoy having negative things happen to them. By constantly focusing on the negative you will attract negative things and end up even more depressed. Negative thinking attracts negative feelings, thoughts and behaviours as you may start acting on the defence, without anyone trying to attack you. You, therefore, need to be watchful of negative behaviour and replace it with positive thoughts that will promote your growth and well-being rather than stunt it.

 Too Much Dependence

Are you aware that some of the support, confidence and resources that you need are within you or have you fallen far into relying heavily on others you don't even remember what you're capable of? By being over-dependent, you are only reducing your personal growth and disempowering yourself. Not that you can achieve all things by yourself as having a community of people around you to assist will also help you grow. You just have to strike a balance between yourself and the people in your life so that you cultivate your inner independence and become a more productive person. Challenge yourself to take risks and make decisions without always seeking approval. Remember, you have the strength within you to navigate life's ups and downs, so use it where needed.

 Aggressive Behaviour

It's not a flex to label yourself as having anger issues or being an angry person. While it’s natural to feel angry sometimes, how we express that anger matters. Aggressive behaviour can alienate others and create toxic environments, whether at home or work. Instead of reacting impulsively, try to channel that energy into constructive conversations. If you're feeling upset, take a moment to breathe and reflect before addressing the issue. Otherwise, you may find yourself doing something you can't take back and lending yourself to prison. Aggression is not normal so let go of it now. 

 Extreme Jealousy

Let’s be honest, we've all been jealous of someone at some point. However, regardless of jealousy being a common human emotion, it can quickly spiral into destructive behaviour if left unchecked. You may even find yourself now plotting the demise of other people all because you want what they have and if you can't have it, they can't have it too. Jealousy can corrupt your being and evoke the worst in you so you need to forego it and become content. Instead of letting jealousy control you, be motivated by other people’s success. Ask yourself what it is about someone else's situation that you desire, and then set goals to achieve those things for yourself. 


It all started when you omitted the truth and developed into you now fully lying, even when unnecessary. Being dishonest can cloud your judgement and erode people’s trust in you. Lies build on each other and you'll find that once you lie one time, you may need to continuously lie to protect that lie. You may now even have to act wrongly to protect that lie, leaving you tangled in a web of deception. Honesty, on the other hand, fosters transparency and strengthens relationships. Embrace the courage to be honest and to face the consequences of your honesty no matter how hard it may be. Don't normalise lying!


You need to get it into your head that no one owes you anything and that if they do nice things for you, it's all out of their kindness. Feeling entitled may leave you resenting other people and even acting inappropriately towards them just because they didn't do what you expected them to do for you. You should shift your mind to knowing that you only deserve what you earn and not what you think belongs to you.