8 Changes You Should Make to Become Less Moody

Do you ever find yourself engulfed by your moodiness? It’s like you become irritable and unmotivated when these feelings arise. While it's normal for your mood to fluctuate from time to time, being constantly moody isn’t. If you find yourself feeling irritable and moody more often than not, it might be time to consider making some lifestyle changes that could enhance your mood, making you more productive and, ultimately, happier. Here are some changes you might want to consider if you want to become less moody.

 Reduce Screen Time 

The truth of the matter is that our screens are a huge part of our lives. Whether it’s scrolling through social media, binge-watching your favourite shows, or just checking emails, it's easy to lose track of time. However, have you ever noticed how you feel after you spend your time on the screen? Many of us feel drained, anxious, or even more moody after (you probably do too). Therefore, this causes a need for you to reduce your screen time as it can make a big difference in your mood. 

 Practice Self-Care

Self-care is a crucial aspect of maintaining mental health and emotional well-being. By taking time for yourself, you can recharge your mind, body, and soul, making you fresh for the days ahead. It doesn't have to be an expensive indulgence, it may just be you getting a long shower and pampering yourself by making your favourite meal. Whatever it is, just make space for it and allow yourself some rest. This will help get rid of all the stress and cloudiness you may be feeling, leaving you less moody and happier. Self-care acts like a reset button for your emotions, helping you to approach daily challenges with a clearer, more positive mindset which you so highly deserve. After all, we all deserve some love, even from ourselves. 

Stay Away from Emotionally Draining Connections 

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to suck the energy right out of you? Sometimes, you won't even notice it, but after interacting with them, you'll just feel low on energy and may even become moody for the rest of the day. It’s essential to recognize who in your life lifts you and who brings you down and if someone consistently leaves you feeling drained or overwhelmed, it might be time to reassess that relationship and let it go. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who encourage you and make you feel good about yourself. You need to limit your exposure to the people who drain you if you want to enjoy a life of happiness and joy. 


One of the lifestyle changes you need to make if you want to become less moody is adding an exercise routine to your daily routine. Getting some exercise is a good way to have your body realise the good energy hormones that will make you feel happier and relieved.  By simply running around the block or doing your cardio, you will notice how your mood will be enhanced, helping you let go of the bad vibes that you may be hooked up to. So instead of being idle all day and then wondering why you feel so low on energy, get some exercise in so that you boost your mood for the rest of the day.  

 Pursue Hobbies 

More often than not, our lives are filled with things that we do out of obligation and not out of our liking. Whether it's golfing with business partners or lunch with your business mates, as long as you aren't doing it for your enjoyment, it will still feel like work, and your body will register it as such. To get your mood lighter again, you need to reconnect with what makes you happy again. Whether it's swimming, painting or just gardening, you need to indulge yourself with it. This will help you relax and refresh, not out of obligation, but out of you making that time for yourself and doing what makes you happy. You should, therefore, find time to indulge yourself by pursuing your hobbies if you want to let go of the tension within your body that has been making you feel moody.

Set Boundaries 

There is a reason why the word ‘mno’ exists. It's not just for decoration but for your use. You should stop feeling obligated to take up more than you can on your plate, just so you don't seem unkind. You need to set boundaries in your life, and if you ever feel overwhelmed by the requests you get or the things that are being weighed on you, you need to make it known for your peace. Otherwise, you will have your boundaries breached at the expense of your happiness, making you moodier by the day. You need to set clear boundaries in your life if you want to be happier. 

Stay Hydrated 

Sometimes, you are not going through anything complex or unexplainable; you just need water to cool off and rejuvenate yourself. Our bodies require a lot of water for them to function optimally. If you, therefore, neglect to supply this amount of water to it, you may find yourself becoming more irritable and moody. Water will help you clear off this feeling and after rehydrating, you'll feel refreshed and less moody. You, therefore, need to drink more water daily if you want to rid yourself of all the overwhelming moody feelings you may be having. 

Seek Professional Help 

It is important to tell when you feel like things are beyond your control and that you need help. If you have tried everything you can to get rid of your mood swings, then you may want to turn to professionals, who can help you assess the root cause of your moods. Sometimes, your background can be weighing so hard on you that your moods may be escalating from this. Therefore, professional help will help you decipher this before you become a depressed and unhappy individual.