40+ People Who Received Messages They Weren't Prepared For


Navigating a committed relationship while managing someone who has feelings for you can be quite awkward. It’s important to address the situation swiftly to prevent any significant blow to their self-esteem.  

But what if the tables turn, leaving you feeling embarrassed instead? One person merely asked about a specific part of a PowerPoint presentation and received the infamous “I have a boyfriend” reply. Well, good for her, right?

At Least She Cares

Mothers are naturally nurturing and concerned. Remember when you received 13 calls from your mom just to check if you took your vitamins? She just wanted to ensure you were doing well. In this case, a mother texted her son, Matt, in a panic, fearing that something terrible had happened to him.

Fortunately, Matt was safe and sound. It could have been a heartwarming mother-son moment—if only she hadn’t mixed up his age by two years!

Who Is This?

After a breakup, people generally fall into one of two categories. The first type maintains a friendly connection with their ex, keeping their number handy. The second type wants to erase every trace of their ex’s existence, the embarrassment or sadness too overwhelming to bear. So, when a message comes in from an ex, it can lead to some awkward moments and confusion.

However, if you’re the latter, you might find yourself in a tough spot when your ex tries to reach out again. Even if they deserve the cold shoulder, this response might be a bit extreme, as the receiver pointed out.

Asking the Important Questions

Camryn clearly didn’t think much of Cole, giving him her number only to forget it the very next day. Fast forward over a year, and she suddenly reappears, but not for the reasons Cole hoped. Poor guy just can't seem to catch a break!

After discovering it wasn’t actually Camryn, he probably moved on without any lingering feelings. If she had just remembered, he might have stayed blissfully unaware of the awkwardness!

Just Mom Things

One thing about moms? They always try their best. A college student's mother thought she’d surprise her child with a visit. Confident that she was in her kid's dorm room, this mama bear made herself right at home.

She lay down on the bed and snapped a photo of herself, ready to send it to her child, when disaster struck. They informed her that she was in the wrong dorm room. Total cringe!


Unplanned pregnancies can be an incredibly tough experience for everyone involved—the mother, the father, and the family. It’s not just emotionally challenging; raising a child can be quite expensive too. But what could make your 19-year-old daughter’s unplanned pregnancy even worse? Finding out you’re also expecting—talk about a double whammy!

Having your 45-year-old wife announce she's twinning with your teen daughter and is pregnant at the same time? Initially, the excitement might be there, but reality hits hard—two babies at once? That's a recipe for chaos!

Right in the Feels

It’s perfectly okay to not be okay. For too long, society has pushed the idea that we should hide our true feelings, even glorifying the act of suffering in silence. But it’s important to remind ourselves that sometimes it’s completely fine to admit you’re struggling. Sharing your struggles can lead to understanding and support, which is essential for mental well-being.

It's essential to recognize that you won’t always feel on top of the world. While it’s understandable to hesitate in sharing your burdens with others, bottling up your feelings can lead to greater harm in the long run.

RIP Number Neighbor

Curiosity about your number neighbor might lead you to reach out, but tread carefully! You could end up sending a message that brings up painful memories for the recipient. What might seem like a harmless text for you could be a painful reminder for someone else, reopening old wounds they’d rather keep closed.

That must have been a heart-wrenching moment for both parties. The sender likely felt a mix of embarrassment and regret, realizing the impact of their message. For the recipient, receiving a text meant for someone else can stir up a lot of painful memories. It’s a stark reminder of how sensitive communication can be, especially when it touches on loss.

See You Next Year

The real kicker comes when you accidentally remind them that it’s their birthday, but they’re not in the mood to celebrate. Maybe they’re having a tough day or just don’t feel like being social. The awkward silence that follows can feel like an eternity, leaving you wishing you’d just skipped the message altogether!

The follow-up small talk until you part ways can be quite bothersome. Fortunately, the person celebrating their birthday wasn't having it. They recognized the situation and wanted to wrap things up quickly—a real lifesaver!

Unending Texting Frenzy

A Redditor became genuinely worried for their GrubHub driver after receiving a message from them! The initial text was a simple inquiry about whether the Redditor still wanted the same sandwich, just without tomatoes.

When they responded, the driver seemed to lose their composure for a moment. What came next felt like an excited shout in text form. It seemed like they might have accidentally hit send during a moment of enthusiasm.

Buddy the Dog

What’s the best strategy for approaching someone you’re interested in? You could have a conversation and ask them out directly. Or you might take a cue from this sender and focus on what you believe the other person would like to hear.

After getting a message that not only requested another date but also praised her dog, this girl definitely found it hard to say no!

The One About Massachusetts

In addition to their impressive cameras and user-friendly interface, iPhones are notorious for something else. We’d call it a somewhat infamous characteristic: their autocorrect feature, which is known for being rather unforgiving, often resulting in messages that have little to do with what was originally intended.

A Redditor's grandmother finally got her hands on an iPhone, and they were curious about how she was adjusting to it. Her response was quite telling. What could “Massachusetts” possibly refer to? What had the iPhone decided to autocorrect?

That’s My Jam

People under the influence don’t always make the best decisions on their own. This is why your friend who enjoys a drink or two often reaches out for assistance. Or maybe you find yourself in that role. One Redditor's brother was completely intoxicated one night when he sent her a text asking for a ride home.

The loyal sister inquired about his whereabouts. In a moment of confusion, he interpreted her request as the lyrics to Khalid's “Location.” It's evident that song really resonates with him.

Your What Now?

Everyone has certain things they'd like to learn about a potential partner before diving in. Think of it as a preemptive heads-up. However, this particular heads-up is one nobody would ever wish to receive. One morning, a woman received a surprising text from her partner.

Bypassing the standard “good morning” message, he gives her a heads-up that his wife may reach out to inquire about their relationship. Clearly taken aback, the woman responded, “Your what?” It must have been quite a revelation for her to realize she's the “other woman” in this scenario.

That’s a Mood

Sometimes, words fall short of capturing our emotions—like those moments when you feel the urge to scream but just can’t muster the energy, leaving you at a loss for words. On days when you identify with a gorilla flinging its own waste, remember that it’s perfectly acceptable to feel that way.

You could definitely describe it as a mood—even if it seems nonsensical and a bit gross. We’re all human, after all, but that doesn’t mean you always have to feel that way.

That’ll Fix Everything

Children whose parents are in tune with mental health are truly fortunate. Not everyone finds it easy to express their emotions, and having that understanding can make a world of difference.

In this instance, the mom didn’t have a solid response for her child, who was feeling down. Without a better idea, she suggested something spontaneous: why not go outside and enjoy a banana?

That Escalated Quickly

Let’s be real—you won’t always feel like being intimate. When your partner is yearning for affection that you just can’t provide, you need a quick excuse to deflect the situation.

Physical ailments can be a straightforward way to get someone to back off for the day. Alternatively, you could just gross them out. Joey's partner had some unconventional plans for the evening, leaving Joey in disbelief.

Bird Is (Not) the Word

“Have you heard about the bird?” is a line from “Surfin’ Bird,” a classic track by The Trashmen from 1963. When someone sent a text starting with “Have you heard,” the recipient decided to playfully tease in response.

They responded with the next line of the song, hoping for a playful exchange. Unfortunately, the other person brought some unsettling news instead, leaving the first person feeling shocked, embarrassed, and worried.

That Sounds Terrifying

Among the various ways to say no, this approach ranks as one of the harshest. However, the rejector can argue that the person proposing set themselves up for failure. I mean, how old do you have to be to reply “Yours” to a question like that?

This isn’t the ’50s, so it might be time to refresh those pickup lines. The recipient got chills upon hearing “Yours,” noting it would make for a perfect Halloween scare.

Dangers of Group Chats

Group chats are all fun until you accidentally send a message intended for just one person. Whether it's an awkward selfie, a screenshot, or personal photos, always double-check your recipients. A simple mistake could lead to major embarrassment!

Arjun texted Riley, asking her out, but while she declined nicely, the rest of the group chat erupted in laughter afterward.

Sick and Tired

This was an exceptionally harsh moment. Brianna came to the realization that she didn’t want to continue being friends with someone and brought it up in conversation. The receiver, misinterpreting her intent, grew hopeful, thinking Brianna was interested in turning their friendship into something more.

What they failed to grasp was that Brianna had completely lost interest in the friendship. She ended up having to reiterate her feelings twice for them to fully understand. Kudos to them for handling it gracefully.

Heading to Michael’s

A strong relationship isn’t solely based on love; it also relies on trust, respect, and understanding. When any of these components break down, the relationship is likely to struggle. Trust appears to be a significant concern among couples nowadays.

A person messaged their partner that they were on their way to Michael’s. Clearly frustrated, the partner remarked on how they never spend time together anymore, ending with a sarcastic wish for happiness with this new "Michael." It was only then that they realized the reference was to Michael’s—the craft store.

She’s Had Enough

One of the reasons mothers are truly remarkable is their uncanny intuition. Take this mom, for instance. When she received a text from her child asking a significant question, she instantly knew what was really going on.

Their child inquired about the precise time of their birth. In that moment, she realized they had fallen into the rabbit hole of astrology charts. Mom wasn’t pleased and quickly replied with a stern warning to back off immediately.

My Sympathies

What kind of friend wouldn’t cheer on their buddy? That also includes encouraging them to seek out romance. One person was trying to be supportive when they learned their friend was off to San Diego.

Renowned for its beautiful beaches, San Diego is a prime location for romance—or perhaps something a bit more intense. They attempted to boost their friend's spirits, only to discover that the trip was for their uncle’s funeral. Talk about a quick shift from excitement to somber reality.

A Moment of Vulnerability

Everyone has that one person they just can’t seem to move on from. Whether you’re holding onto them stubbornly or simply unable to shake off the memories, it’s an ongoing battle between rational thought and longing.

Additionally, when emotions take over, logic often gets tossed aside. After admitting they still had feelings for someone, this individual delivered a quick retort to save face. They referred to it as a “moment of weakness” and carried on with their day as if nothing had occurred.

I Am Batman

For far too long, people have relied on clichéd breakup lines like, “It’s not you, it’s me.” Seriously, folks! We can do better. It's time to get inventive with our breakup narratives.

You aim to minimize the hurt for your soon-to-be-ex while still making an unforgettable exit. What could be more impactful than a quote from Batman? Taken from The Dark Knight Rises, these lines are perfectly crafted. Nicely done!

“She’s Your Lobster”

Is it just us, or do dads have a knack for asking the most unusual questions? Picture this: you receive an unexpected text from your dad, and your curiosity is piqued. You check your phone, and the notification bar is lighting up at the top of the screen.

As you read through the message, your initial curiosity shifts to complete bewilderment. Your dad is asking you to look up how lobsters communicate. Spoiler alert: they actually urinate on each other’s faces to communicate or signal for mating.

Somebody Like This

Everyone deserves the best in life, especially when it comes to love. The person you choose to share your heart with should be loyal, caring, respectful, and above all — as committed as this man.

He messaged a woman he was interested in, inquiring about her plans. However, it seems he might not realize that Bangladesh is a real country. He then follows up by asking what she’ll do next, as if she could instantly transport herself from one place to another.

Too Early for This

We can’t really fault the other person in this exchange. Unless you’re familiar with their music, you wouldn’t recognize them. The Cure is a well-known English rock band that made waves in the '80s.

When someone inquired whether this woman liked "the cure," she thought they were referring to the COVID-19 vaccine. It’s a valid misunderstanding, as the term can apply to both situations…

Gee, Thanks a Lot, Guys

Friends play a crucial role in our lives, serving as a vital support system. If your pals aren’t there with ice cream and tissues when you’re feeling down, can they really be called friends? They know you too well, even when you try to put on a brave face.

Sharing your feelings with friends can feel awkward since they often pick up on the subtle signs. You might consider being direct, but if you're not careful, like this individual, you might find yourself left on "read" despite your efforts.

Sleep Tight!

Parents often say the most unexpected things, leaving their children puzzled. As kids grow older, it’s like parents experience their own psychological journey, sometimes leading to bizarre conversations.

Parents transition from nurturing a young child to allowing them to embrace independence, all while managing their own concerns. Take this mom, for example, who expressed her feelings clearly but still remembered to say goodnight.


This royal figure could use a dose of reality. Nonetheless, we can't help but laugh at the way a simple "hey" ignited such a dramatic response. It turned into a mini rant that was both surprising and entertaining!

Their main worries revolved around why "hot" guys never seemed interested and why they were attracting messages from people like the sender. Getting a text like that would surely hurt a bit, but at least the original sender had good intentions unlike the recipient.

That Went South

Hoping to add some excitement, someone sent a flirty message to their partner, teasing about leaving their pajamas behind and including a winking emoji—a clear hint at their intentions. They were clearly looking forward to the evening!

Sadly, that cheeky message was met with a reply from their partner announcing the death of their uncle, which clearly put a damper on any plans for fun. There's no recovering from that; it’s a moment that will stick with the sender.

Permission to Disregard

Do you tend to ignore texts from people you find uninteresting, or do you respond with noticeable annoyance? One guy online took it to another level, sending a message filled with such attitude that it left everyone shocked.

After reaching out to someone on social media without receiving a response, his inflated ego took over, leading him to send a rude follow-up message. Newsflash: not everyone finds you charming, buddy.

Move On

Reconnecting with an ex, especially one who has cheated, is rarely a wise choice. Why would you return to someone who might repeat past mistakes? One bold guy decided to message his ex, pretending to check in on her well-being.

When she attempted to mirror his feelings, he swiftly accused her of being unhealthily fixated on him. That’s the moment to step outside, take a few deep breaths, and remember he’s the one in the wrong.

The Price of Privacy

Businesses enforce strict privacy rules for a reason. When they request your number, it’s typically for market research and promotional messages, not for sharing with just anyone. These details are meant to remain confidential.

Yet, when a somewhat unsettling grocery store cashier obtained Rachel’s number, they wasted no time texting her to share their feelings. Just ten minutes later, they followed up with another message, lamenting that they had been fired for invading her privacy.

Gender-Neutral “Bruh”

Valerie, a GrubHub driver, was having a rough day. To make matters worse, a customer addressed her as “bruh.” This gender-neutral term is often used in casual slang to refer to anyone, but it didn’t sit well with her.

However, when the customer praised her appearance, Valerie misinterpreted it entirely. Convinced that they were implying she looked masculine, she reacted defensively, leaving the customer bewildered and regretful.

Love Hurts

Unrequited love can be a painful yet oddly entertaining experience. One person mustered the courage to ask their crush directly if they felt the same way. Instead of outright rejecting them or responding with disgust, the crush cleverly sidestepped the question.

Instead, they expressed their genuine emotions. It turned out they felt pity for the sender. Was it sympathy for their bold confession, or was it related to something else entirely in their life?

  Ruined in an Instant

This scenario is a total nightmare. Texting blunders like this can lead to chaos, drama, and heartache. Connor had a crush on Melanie and wanted to deepen their connection. After appreciating her movie suggestion, he mustered the courage to ask her to spend time together.  

Melanie swiftly captured a screenshot to share with her friends, her heart racing as the moment she dreaded had come to pass. Unbeknownst to her, she accidentally sent it to Connor himself. She offered an apology, but it probably didn’t help much.

Not Happening

This next exchange is a bit of a heartbreaker. One person bravely asked their crush if they liked them back. The recipient, thrilled that their feelings had been noticed, eagerly responded by suggesting they go out on a date.

With no hesitation, the sender flatly declined, and the sting of rejection hit hard. The real kicker was asking if they liked them in the first place only to turn them down so abruptly.

Dinner Date or Casual Meet-Up

It seems like this dinner date might have been more one-sided than anticipated. When one person excitedly hyped up their plans for the evening, the recipient freaked out and overreacted. They sent a flurry of texts, desperately clarifying that they had invited a friend along.

In a bid to ease the tension, they even encouraged others to call their friends to help smooth things over. That “haha okay” at the end definitely masked some disappointment they didn’t want to reveal.

Jury Duty Notification

Grindr, known as the LGBTQ+ equivalent of Tinder, is a platform where users can seek love or casual encounters. One individual received a rather unexpected message when a Grindr contact forwarded a jury duty notice that had been sent to their address.

It turns out the mail revealed that the person had been summoned for jury duty. While there's nothing inherently wrong with that, discovering such news through a dating app is definitely unexpected.

Absolutely Awkward, Graham

This is the kind of situation every Tinder user dreads! Accidentally giving someone a “super like” can lead to some uncomfortable moments, especially since the app notifies the other person of your heightened interest. One guy, Graham, had a rather unique approach to handling this awkward situation.

He could have simply accepted the compliment and unmatched them, but he opted for a more confrontational route. Graham insisted that he was merely trying to wipe water off his screen when the accidental “super like” occurred, describing the whole incident as “not cool at all.” Luckily, there’s no such thing as “super nope.”

What Really Counts

People generally fall into two categories when it comes to teamwork. One group thrives in collaboration, skillfully navigating issues and acting as mediators. The other group, however, prefers individual tasks and tends to disregard their teammates altogether.

If you identify with the latter group, it might be worth your while to at least remember the names of your project partners. While it may seem trivial, it can help ease some awkwardness.

I Meant the Show

This situation is akin to enthusiastically waving at someone on the street, only to realize a moment too late that you don’t actually know them. By the time you pull your hand back, it’s already too late, and the stranger is giving you those perplexed looks.

One person definitely felt a bit down when they received a text that asked, “Is you good?” Naturally, they responded by expressing that they weren’t feeling great. The awkward twist? The sender was actually asking about the show You.