40+ Hilarious Dad Texts That Are So Cringeworthy They’re Awesome

Dads are famous for their humor, which often lands in the "so bad it's good" category, making you roll your eyes while simultaneously laughing. These text messages showcase the unpredictable nature of having a dad in charge of your phone conversations. Whether you end up laughing, cringing, or just smiling, boredom is not an option! Check out some of the funniest dad texts that people have shared with the world!

Dad’s Approval

While most parents might frown upon their kids talking back to teachers, sometimes the responses are so clever that even Dad can't help but applaud their child's wit.

This dad clearly took pride in his child's clever comeback, even going so far as to reassure them there wouldn't be any punishment. We wouldn't be surprised if the dinner conversation that night revolved entirely around this amusing incident!

Moth Mayhem

Many of us have a love/hate relationship with insects, learning to coexist with them as we grow up. But the moment we return to our parents' home, we often find ourselves wanting our dads to come to the rescue and protect us from those pesky critters!

This bath time might have been disrupted by a moth, but in the end, it was the dad who had the last laugh. After all, while that moth may fly away, his dad jokes are here to stay!

A Lesson in Slang

Parents are always trying to stay in the loop with the latest slang kids come up with. When faced with a question well beyond his expertise, this dad showed just why he’s the ultimate dad.

Move over, LMAO and LOL—it's time for some fresh slang to take center stage! This dad not only snagged the title of Cool Dad but also gave his child a lesson they won't forget. We can guarantee this kid won't be questioning their dad anytime soon!


This child thought using "S" was too ordinary and opted for "$" to jazz up their texts. In response, his father took it up a notch, transforming their messages into a creative masterpiece!  

His use of capitalization in his texts could simply be for fun, or perhaps he's emphasizing "NO" to send a clear message. Since the child hasn't really made any requests, he might just be banking those "NOs" for later!


If you have siblings, you probably spent your childhood competing for the title of favorite. Maybe your dad enjoys hiking with one child, or your mom has a special bond with another. It’s likely that some favoritism is at play!

This dad, however, has chosen to sidestep favoritism altogether, opting instead to dislike all his kids equally. Given how the child responds, it's safe to say this is a classic middle child, where expectations are already set pretty low!

No Party

This child might seem like every parent's ideal teen, but to this dad, he's just a major buzzkill. When his father inquired about the fun things he might enjoy at the party, the kid shot back with a firm "no" to everything.

For this dad, who likely raised the roof at countless parties in his youth, his child's response was simply unacceptable. This highlights a well-rounded relationship: sometimes it's important to rein in your kids, but other times, giving them a little nudge is necessary.

A Little Too Personal

This dad has decided that lighthearted jokes just aren't cutting it anymore. He's cranked up the humor and really gone for the jugular with his punchlines!

The child was already rolling his eyes at the gas prices joke, but the dig about his mother really pushed him over the edge. Meanwhile, the dad is probably celebrating at home, delighted by the response. If the son is joking about moving out, he should be prepared for more of these zingers in the future!

Birthday Presents

Finding the ideal gift can be a challenge, so this dad took a straightforward approach and asked his son what he wanted. The reply? Something completely off-limits for his parents to buy!

But because this dad can't resist a good joke, he suggests that a dragon might be a more realistic and preferable choice. At least the son now knows that anything less than a dragon is fair game, so he might just ask for an outrageously expensive gadget and see what happens!

Out in the Open

This child has stumbled upon a major secret of parenthood: sometimes, parents feel the same way about their kids as the kids do about them. Parenting isn't easy, and kids have a special talent for testing their parents' patience!

This dad wasn’t even bothered by the text; in fact, he seemed quite amused. You can bet the two siblings will have a long chat about their behavior after this message mix-up!

That’s True

This teen went all out to secure a party at home. They made sure the house was empty and even texted their dad for permission. Just in case he said no, they cleverly programmed 'No' to mean 'Yes' in his phone!

However, for this dad, a simple 'no' just wouldn’t fly! This is likely one of the most backhanded ways to give permission—a 'yes' with a side of shade.

The Nerd

This dad perfectly blends nerdiness with coolness. He clearly knew what he was doing when he named his son Luke, setting the stage for a lifetime of Star Wars references and fun!

The son might be feeling the frustration, but Darth Vader isn’t backing down. Especially if he's leveraging his hacking skills to push his own agenda. This is one joke that Luke will be stuck with for life!

Forgotten Recycling

This dad clearly missed the memo about properly resetting a phone before handing it over—especially if there’s any NSFW content lurking on it!

Imagine being this kid and stumbling upon photos you'd rather forget on your dad’s old phone. Dinner at home is bound to be super awkward, but the real question is: who will it be more uncomfortable for?

Location Check

No matter how old your kids become, parents always want to know where they are for peace of mind. But this kid seems done with the checks and is ready to spin some tales for their dad!

Thankfully, this dad knows there's no truth to the story and is ready to roll with the joke. At least the kid is quick to reply, so the father can rest easy knowing they're safe and sound—wherever that may be!

Mom’s the Funny One

While dads are often seen as the jokesters, sometimes moms can surprise us with their own quirky sense of humor!

This mom’s version of chaos was a bit extreme, but thankfully, the dad got the phone back in no time. It was a clever move on her part, but maybe she should grip the phone a little tighter next time to let the whole situation unfold!

Shopping for Sure

Moms are usually the queens of shopping, often knowing exactly what you need without you saying a word. Dads, on the other hand, try their best but don’t always hit the mark quite as effectively.

For this kid, his dad’s shopping efforts began promisingly but quickly took a turn for the worse. It’s safe to say he’s learned that the best way to communicate with his dad is to be direct and to the point.

All Booked

Who doesn’t enjoy a good pun? Apparently, Dylan! While he might not outright dislike them, it’s clear he’s not the biggest fan anymore.

Yet, he understands that conversations with his dad are always a wild card. Even if he’s trying to sidestep the puns, his father is always ready with one up his sleeve. At least these chats are anything but dull!

Bait and Switch

This kid has mastered the art of delivering bad news: just cover it up with even worse news, and suddenly, your bad news feels a lot lighter.

In this instance, it seems the son is in for a serious talk from his dad—not just about his grades but also about personal safety.

Dad Joke of the Year

Dads have built a longstanding reputation for delivering jokes that are both hilariously good and cringingly bad. This dad certainly lived up to that legacy with his sense of humor!

Sure, the child might not have found the humor in it, but we think the joke was spot on! It was clever, funny, and even had a surprising twist. What more could you ask for?

Unbearable Damage

This child faced their worst nightmare when autocorrect turned "kayak" into something a bit more risqué. They intended to send a heartfelt Father's Day message, but it certainly took an unexpected and scandalous turn!

Fortunately, this dad's humor was on point, allowing him to roll with the joke while also managing to further traumatize the poor kid! Here's hoping the child can bounce back from this experience soon.


Parents adore their kids, but they also relish the chance to roast them. It’s part of the parental privilege to tease the very offspring to whom they devote so much of their time and energy!

This dad couldn't resist seizing the moment to throw in a playful jab at his son. Their banter feels more like a sibling exchange than a parent-child conversation, which shows just how strong their bond is.

Automated Meetings

This dad clearly didn’t quite grasp how to use automated replies correctly, even though he seemed to enjoy it. When his kid called, he kept insisting he was in a meeting and couldn’t pick up. The best part? He wasn't in a meeting at all!

Hopefully, the child will come home and show Dad how to use automated replies properly. Otherwise, it’ll turn into a never-ending guessing game about what he’s actually up to.

Right Priorities

This dad knows where his true loyalties lie, and it’s not with Mom or his daughter—it’s donuts! When his daughter texted about family emergencies to get his attention, he ignored her completely. But the moment she mentioned donuts, he was all ears—and stomach!

The only catch is that there must be donuts at home when he returns; otherwise, there will definitely be one tragic outcome—a hungry and disappointed dad.

A Magical Joke

Here’s another classic dad joke that the child has likely heard one too many times. He probably picked it up somewhere and decided to test it out, and we have to admit, it’s pretty entertaining!

Unfortunately, this Harry Potter joke isn’t the latest one out there, but it’s still pretty solid. Here’s hoping he can come up with something a bit more original and even funnier next time to redeem himself!

The Biggest Smile

Keeping up with all the new slang and acronyms can be a challenge for parents. However, this dad seems to be on top of his game, and Ashley is about to face the consequences!

It was a rough day for Dan and Ashley when their dad mastered internet slang. At least he makes it entertaining—even if Ashley doesn’t see the humor in it.

Mistaken Identity

For many, autocorrect just means a minor slip-up. But for this daughter, it accidentally turned into a moment of coming out—sort of!

Fortunately, her dad reacted positively to the mix-up. If she ever decides to come out for real, she can rest assured her family will support her, and her girlfriend will always have a place at the dinner table.

A Bonding Moment

This daughter made a typo that could have led to some serious consequences. But it turns out her dad has a different idea of fun!

When she accidentally misspelled “week,” her dad fully embraced it, turning it into a fun bonding moment for the pair. Now they’re in on the joke together, but they’ll need to keep it from mom, who definitely wouldn’t appreciate her husband’s reaction!

Overusing OMG

We all have those go-to phrases we can’t stop repeating until everyone around us is exasperated. This dad is all about “OMG,” and it’s clear his kid has reached peak frustration!

Luckily, every child has one surefire way to get dads to fall in line: the mom card. At least he got to use "OMG" one last time—and in the right context, no less!

Not Your Day

This dad either knows how to cover his tracks or simply doesn’t care that he got his son’s hopes up only to let them crash down.

Parents might not always keep up with the latest tech, but they certainly know their kids do. Unfortunately for this son, it looks like his sister will be the one enjoying the perks of that knowledge. Or maybe Dad is a secret mastermind, gathering intel without revealing his full hand.

Unreleased Movie

This dad joke could either join the ranks of legendary humor or earn a spot as one of the worst ever. Depending on your sense of humor, it might come off as hilarious—or just plain gross!

This dad clearly isn’t worried about keeping it classy with his jokes. At least it’s an original, so he earns some points for creativity! Still, we wouldn’t be surprised if the kid thinks twice before texting Dad again anytime soon.

Emoji Overload

Everyone loves emojis; they bring a little flair and fun to our messages. But every emoji has its time and place, and it seems this dad hasn’t quite received that memo yet!

He’s so fond of his horse emoji that he’s determined to include it in every text. Whether he’s expressing his love for his child or updating them on uncertain plans, that horse does all the talking. We can already guess which emoji his kid will be deleting from their phone!

Midnight Munchies

There’s nothing quite like a late-night snack when you’re not really hungry but eat anyway. This dad has a special fondness for those post-midnight treats, even if he prefers to call them dinner!

At least the dad and child will enjoy a late-night meal together, even if it’s 1:15 a.m.! And for anyone wondering what’s cooking, it’s a lightly fried fish fillet.

Creating New Words

Somebody alert the Oxford Dictionary team because this dad has just coined the perfect term for selfies with pets: "pelfie!" Who knew we needed this gem?

Given how much we all enjoy sharing photos with our pets, "pelfie" is a term that could really catch on in the social media scene. We owe this dad a big thanks for his creativity! So, next time you're spending time with your dog, remember to snap a 'pelfie' for Instagram!

TMI Alert

Some topics are better left unspoken, especially when it comes to kids. But this dad clearly doesn’t subscribe to that idea and is more than willing to share everything—no matter how personal!

The son might not be thrilled about his dad's oversharing and would likely prefer some boundaries. But when he voiced his concerns, all he got in return was another roast from his father!

Turkey Time

When this kid showed up for Thanksgiving dinner, all he could think about was the turkey. Unfortunately, his dad had other ideas and wasn’t about to let him focus solely on the feast!

Not only did he dodge the question, but he also slipped in a classic dad joke. This just proves that you shouldn't underestimate your dad—no matter how the turkey turns out, home for the holidays is a must!

The Mix-Up

Having several kids can be a joy, but it also means keeping track of everyone can get tricky, especially during school days. This dad was on the lookout to pick up one child but mistakenly texted the other!

At least he only sent the message to the wrong kid instead of calling the school’s pick-up service. If that had happened, it would have turned into a frantic race to reach the right destination!

Texting the Wrong Number

We’ve all accidentally sent a text to the wrong number at some point, but few can rival the embarrassment this family is about to face at dinner.

This dad’s anniversary wishes are likely to go unfulfilled, as his wife will be mortified when she finds out what happened. His attempt to cover it up was one of the most awkward we’ve seen, so hats off to him for completely mishandling the situation.

Tricks or Treats

This dad figured out how to connect with teenagers—by acting like the fun, cool parent and then playfully teasing them when they share their secrets. But what made it so easy for him to win his son’s trust so quickly?

If we were in his shoes, we'd recognize this as a classic trap. At least he's taken away a lesson: never trust a text from Dad that sounds too good to be true.

Non-Parental Influence

Parents often navigate two kinds of kids: those who party too hard and those who study too hard. Typically, they focus so much on managing the first group that they neglect the fact that the second group also deserves some downtime.

Thankfully, this dad understands that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so he’s encouraging his child to step out of their comfort zone. While his reasoning might be a bit questionable, his intentions are definitely good.

Motivation or Not?

Parents have a unique way of motivating us, even if their methods are often unconventional. This kid was feeling anxious about an upcoming speech, and his dad found just the right way to help him get motivated.

Now, he knows that laughter can be found even in the most stressful situations, giving him the chance to take the stage with a lighter heart.

Love in Emojis

We all know that emojis can add sweetness and flair to messages. This dad has mastered the art of using them to express his love for his child in the most heartwarming way.

We appreciate a dad who openly expresses his love for his kids, but it's even more special when he adds a personal touch. This message is undeniably one of the cutest we've seen, and it’s sure to be a cherished memory for the child.

Gender Reveal, or Gender Change?

This dad might not be well-versed in social media, or perhaps he just missed the memo about Casey's pregnancy altogether. It seems he’s a bit confused about how gender reveals actually work!

Either way, this is sure to be the standout moment of Casey's gender reveal party. At least now this dad is aware of the frenzy surrounding these events, so he won't make the same blunder again.

Watches From Trees

While money may not grow on trees, this dad seems to think his watch does! After all, Apple provides plenty of fruit-themed jokes, but few people have the cleverness to use them like he does.

You don’t have to break the bank to stay on-trend or keep up with the latest tech. Sometimes, all it takes is a sharp wit, a sense of humor, and, of course, an apple. We’re pretty sure this son won’t be putting anything from Apple on his birthday wish list!

Late O’Clock

This dad is clearly fed up with his child’s constant tardiness. That’s why this no-nonsense dad has simply advised his kid to run a little faster!

It might be a bit obvious, but we appreciate those whose conversations are laced with humor. Dads come in many flavors: some are serious, others strict, some are just plain adorable, and many are downright hilarious. Regardless, they all have a special spot in their kids’ hearts.

Shopping for One

When someone heads to the store, it's customary to check if anyone wants something. However, this son's request was met with such a savage comeback that he probably won’t be asking his dad for anything anytime soon!

The only way for him to salvage this situation is to send his dad a photo of his date with an actual girl. But we doubt his father will ever stop delivering those sharp one-liners he’s so good at.

Blurred Boundaries

This dad took it upon himself to make his special night even more memorable by being straightforward and telling his son he was banned from the house for the evening. His son definitely didn’t ask for this information, but he got hit with it anyway!

He was so convinced his dad couldn’t be serious that he even offered him a way out. But the dad was firm in his stance, making it clear that the last person standing between him and his wife would be their child!